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Thursday, May 2, 2019

You #Democrat are mad because you lost. #ObamaGate knew the Russians were up to something but withheld it from Trump Admin. #obama knew. #Barr #BarrHearing you just mad ! Get over it #Dems and #liberals #MAGA

You are mad because you lost. knew the Russians were up to something but withheld it from Trump Admin. knew. you just mad ! Get over it and  

Again, Get Over It ...  

Trump Won Fair and Square ...  

Heck OBama knew Russia was meddling with the Election. 

CIA and FBI told OBama this. OBama did nothing  .. ?? 

OBama thought Hillary would Win in a LandSlide  

Know Democrats cry foul  ...  LOL 

You Lost. Move on already ... 

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