
The " School " in question was deemed as a place where " Indian " people, namely children, were to be Reprogramed through church avocats and goverment agencies to eraticate the indian problem. The development of "rehumanized schools" were being developed in the later part od the 1800, and continued well into the 1980s. Fact have pointed out numerous accounts of mistreatment of First Nations children, when funding or religious input subsided! This practice was deemed necessary for all Native, orphaned, mentally challanged and mixed raced children! It was a sanctioned practice by church, goverment and the millatary.  Poor Blacks My Ass ...
Look at what was done to the Indians. Sad ................
Next time Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson cry Racism, 
Tell'em to go read a book about the murdered Indians !
Racist Punks All Of Them ............


Was There an 1890 School Shooting Worse than Sandy Hook?

A heavily-shared graphic claims that the deadliest school shooting was not Sandy Hook, but one that occurred in 1890 when 290 Indians were killed.

The claim is misleading. There was a massacre in 1890 but it did not occur at a school.

Let’s first take a look at what is being claimed:

Sandy Hook the deadliest school shooting in U.S. History…?
I think not. In 1890 the U.S. Government shot and killed over 290 UNARMED Indians at school, including over 200 women and children. How quickly we forget history.

They gave up their guns, too. Remember that!

Based on the assertions made above, we can only assume that this refers to the Wounded Knee Massacre, which occurred in the final days of 1890.

Wounded Knee

On December 28, 14 days after the brutal shooting of Sitting Bull, the U.S. Army sought to disarm and relocate the Lakota people, who failed to stop their Ghost Dance.

The U.S. authorities ordered the arrest of another Lakota chief, Big Foot. Big Foot’s band, which consisted mostly of women who had lost their husbands and other male relatives in battles with Custer, Miles and Crook, had danced until they collapsed, hoping to guarantee the return of their dead warriors. Big Foot and about 350 Lakota marched to Pine Ridge Reservation to seek protection from the military. At Pine Ridge they surrendered on December 28, 1890, and were escorted to Wounded Knee by the military, where they established a camp at Wounded Knee Creek.

The following morning, December 29, 1890, the military ordered all Indian weapons to be relinquished and burned. A medicine man advocated armed resistance telling the other Indians that their Ghost Dance shirts were bulletproof.

A shot was fired by an unidentified gunman.

On the frozen plains at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation, government troops opened fire on the mostly unarmed Lakota people, and massacred 290 Sioux men, women and children, including many trying to flee, in a matter of minutes. Thirty-three soldiers died, most from friendly fire, 20 Medals of Honor were presented to surviving soldiers.

Let’s take a look at the individual claims presented in the graphic, which as of this writing has nearly 50,000 shares on Facebook.

◾290 Indians Killed: TRUE. The actual number varies, but 290 is a figure sometimes used.
◾Indians were unarmed: MOSTLY TRUE. A few Lakota warriors had guns, but most of the Indians were unarmed.
◾Indians killed at school: FALSE. This event did not take place at a school.
◾Over 200 women and children killed: TRUE
◾They gave up their guns: MIXED. They were ordered to relinquish their weapons after surrendering. It is suggested that a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote refused to give up his rifle, which led to shots being fired and the escalation of the event.

Bottom Line

The Wounded Knee Massacre was a terrible tragedy in which nearly 300 mostly-unarmed Indians were killed. To categorize it as a school shooting, however, is completely without merit.   BS  !!


          " YE BEEN WARNED ......... "


 Boy I,m so glad that nobody was ever murdered before guns were invented, there wouldn't be anyone left.
Bunch of bleeding heart liberals, the criminals already have more rights than the victims and if it's left up to you people they will be the only ones with guns.   Amen

 Grandfathered in for now, in great britain it went like this, we dont want your shotguns, we only want your hand guns,.. then turn in your shotguns.... (although they have access to them , they are kept by the authorities) in austalia, total confiscation of all weapons. in for a penny in for a pound.

Mass grave at Wounded Knee


On December 29, 1890, on Wounded Knee Creek in southwestern South Dakota, a tangle of events resulted in the deaths of more than 250, and possibly as many as 300, Native Americans. These people were guilty of no crime and were not engaged in combat. A substantial number were women and children. Most of the victims were members of the Miniconjou band of the Lakota Sioux who had been intercepted by military forces after they fled their reservation in South Dakota for refuge in the Badlands.
The story begins in October 1890, when Daniel F. Royer arrived at Pine Ridge Agency, home of the Oglala Lakotas, to assume responsibility as agent. His selection as agent could not have been worse: he knew nothing about Native Americans and was irrationally fearful of them, and from the time of his arrival the dispatches he sent back to Washington were peppered with warnings of an outbreak similar to the one in Minnesota in 1862 in which hundreds of settlers were killed by Santee Sioux. Royer's appointment was also ill timed. In 1890 drought replaced the bountiful rainfall of the 1880s, resulting in crop failures and economic depression. On their reservations, Native Americans were forced into dependence on the federal government for food and clothing. When Royer took over as agent, there was widespread anxiety among the Oglalas regarding the adequacy of government provisions.
A year earlier, the Ghost Dance had appeared on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Born from the vision of a Paiute named Wovoka (aka Jack Wilson), the Ghost Dance blended the messianic account of Christianity with traditional Native beliefs. This new religion told of the return of the Messiah to relieve the suffering of Native Americans and promised that if they would live righteous lives and perform the Ghost Dance in the prescribed manner, the European American invaders would vanish, the bison would return, and the living and the dead would be reunited in an Edenic world. But in Royer's paranoid mind the Ghost Dance was a war dance that threatened imminent bloodshed. His dispatches to Washington urged that troops be sent to protect citizens from war.
In mid-November 1890 President Benjamin Harrison responded to the fears of an Indian outbreak by ordering troops into the area. Regular troops were sent from Fort Robinson, Nebraska, and on November 18, 1890, the Second Nebraska Infantry left Fort Omaha in two special trains. On the train was also a cadre of newspaper reporters. From that point on, the crisis at Pine Ridge was a significant news item in newspapers across the country and around the world.
The trains unloaded their travelers at Rushville, Nebraska, on November 20, 1890, and from there the troops and reporters made their way to Pine Ridge Agency, where they all soon discovered that there was no crisis to be found. Soon a regular fare of rumors and lies began to appear in the national press, fed by merchants who wanted to keep the reporters, and their expense accounts, engaged in the economically strained communities south of the Pine Ridge Reservation. These fantastic stories fed a growing national anxiety about impending war. They also appeared on the reservations, where Lakotas who had been educated in the nation's Indian schools read the reports of troop activities and the rumors of outbreak to other members of their community. In this manner, the press became an important factor in stoking the anxiety both on and off the reservation.
By mid-December 1890 the combination of news reports, governmental reports (particularly those of the panic-stricken Royer), and Ghost Dancing had every nerve in the region on edge. The Lakotas polarized into political camps commonly referred to in the press as "hostiles" and "friendlies," a distinction between those who were opposed and those who were reconciled to reservation life. The Ghost Dancers were generally assigned to the "hostiles" camp. On December 15, 1890, the Hunkpapa holy man and Ghost Dance leader, Sitting Bull, was killed at Standing Rock Agency. Sitting Bull's death was seen by many as the fate that awaited all who failed to accept reservation life. To the south, at Cheyenne River Agency, the Miniconjou Lakotas grew nervous. Their leader, Big Foot, was also engaged in the Ghost Dance, and though not considered a major threat, he was under close observation by the military. In an attempt to quiet the Miniconjous, the military asked a local squatter named John Dunn to persuade them to acquiesce to the military's wishes that they stay in their own village on the reservation. Dunn's tactics are inexplicable: he is reported to have told the Miniconjous that the military planned to take their men prisoner and deport them to an island in the Atlantic Ocean. He apparently advised them to take sanctuary on Pine Ridge Reservation.
On December 23, the Miniconjous left their village in the dead of night and fled south toward the Badlands. Big Foot soon contracted pneumonia, which slowed the escape. Nonetheless, the tribe managed to avoid the military pursuit for five days. But on December 28, the Seventh Cavalry intercepted the ailing Big Foot and his people and ordered them into confinement on Wounded Knee Creek. On the morning of December 29, Col. James W. Forsyth convened a council with the Miniconjous. He demanded that they surrender all their firearms and told them that they would be relocated to a new camp. The order to a new camp was interpreted by the Miniconjous as exile, probably to Indian Territory, a prospect that they found intolerable.
While these discussions proceeded in the Lakota camp, a number of Indians began singing Ghost Dance songs, with some rising to throw handfuls of dirt in the air. The troops who surrounded them perceived the singing and dirt throwing as signals to attack, and at this tense moment the fuse was lit. A man named Black Coyote (sometimes called Black Fox) refused to surrender his rifle to a soldier. The two began wrestling over the gun, and in the struggle it discharged. Immediately the nervous troops began firing, while the Miniconjous retrieved their weapons and returned fire. The military's rifle fire was complemented with cannon rounds from Hotchkiss guns, whose accuracy and exploding shells were formidable. The outnumbered and outgunned Lakotas fled, and for several hours intermittent gunfire continued, with the military in pursuit. Bodies were found as far away as three miles from the camp. Firing ceased, and by midafternoon the troops had gathered up their dead and wounded, as well as Lakota wounded, and returned to Pine Ridge Agency. The fear of a reprisal attack kept troops and civilians entrenched at the agency until January 3, 1891, when a military-escorted civilian burial party proceeded to the site of the massacre. There they buried 146 Lakotas in a single mass grave. Other dead were accounted for later, bringing the total to more than 250 Lakotas; the Seventh Cavalry lost twenty-five men.
Photographers accompanied the burial detail and made a total of sixteen photographs. A snowstorm that occurred shortly after the massacre added a cold and grim edge to the scene of carnage. The photographs sold well and, together with news stories, carried the story of the massacre at Wounded Knee worldwide. Soon the event developed a meaning that transcended the reality of the tragic loss of life, and Wounded Knee became, and remains, the symbol of the inhumanity of U.S. government policy toward Native Americans.
  • 7 people like this.
  • Nick Stockton Well versed. I dont buy either sides rhetoric. Good job though.
  • Robert Swain it did not happen at a school and the intent was initially peaceful. by your logic all crimes happen at schools because children and adults are constantly learning something new no matter where they are.
  • Nick Stockton I love your passion, I just thing this argument is unswayable. Like Ive previously relented, Id support tighter policies if my right to own whatever I chose to arm myself with wasnt next. That isnt paranoia either, it was on the table just a few weeks ago.
  • Robert Swain I hear what your saying. The original intent was not to kill them. The deaf Indian is believed to have fired the first shot. The military was, as with any refugees, taking their firearms for safety reasons. The issue in fact is with the graphics claim ...See More
  • Robert Swain The ban may even return in he future as an amendment. I agree it is a cosmetics issue with a lot of them. The SCOTUS would not allow an excessive ban. Firearms already in circulation would be grandfathered in from what I understand.
  • Dennis Davis grandfathered in for now, in great britain it went like this, we dont want your shotguns, we only want your hand guns,.. then turn in your shotguns.... (although they have access to them , they are kept by the authorities) in austalia, total confiscation of all weapons. in for a penny in for a pound
  • Robert Swain SCOTUS will not allow excessive bans. They made that very clear in 2008, Heller vs District of Columbia. A lot of lies have been told about these bans. Does not matter though. Pres. Obama is about to issue executive orders on background checks. That st...See More
  • Steve Howell Sandy Hook Elementary School is scheduled to be totally demolished real soon. All of that debris will be pulverized and hauled off to a secret location and buried. Feel-good knee-jerk liberal reaction!
  • Diana Walker Hey thanks for clearing all that up for us, Robert. Did they even have an official school erected at Wounded Knee? Do you know?
  • Lance Delisle The "school" in question was deemed as a place where "indian" people, namely children, were to be reprogramed through church avocats and goverment agencies to eraticate the indian problem. The development of "rehumanized schools" were being developed in the later part od the 1800, and continued well into the 1980s. Fact have pointed out numerous accounts of mistreatment of First Nations children, when funding or religious input subsided! This practice was deemed necessary for all Native, orphaned, mentally challanged and mixed raced children! It was a sanctioned practice by church, goverment and the millatary.
  • Elizabeth Hamlett Grown men soldiers. .. shot and killed 200 women and children while they were trying to run. Sandy Hook. A distressed young man. .. kills. It's all sinful.
  • Jon Ramsden whether a school or not is inconsequential. what IS consequential is that a massacre of innocents took place, including overwhelmingly women and children. Horrific. And the Government issued Medals of Honor to the "surviving" soldiers?? go figure.
  • Anita Adams This is about 1 sick person verses a GOVERNMENT and the willingness of many so called brave men willing to murder in the name of What?