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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

 When someone tells you to Google something it's okay 


 However, when someone tells you to Google this or 

that, that your not sure of, do this first, go to Youtube

and listen to Former Employees of Google, Facebook, 

Yahoo, ect,. 

It's extremely eye opening. 

 They already know if you are Democrat, Independent, 

Conservative, Liberal, etc., They already know your age, 

your sex, what you like and don't like. Talking about Food 

choices. You order online correct? They already know with 

AI what you will more than likely order this time around. 

The types and brand of Clothes you prefer to wear. Etc., 

 They know your key strokes and key stroke patterns. They 

know who your favorite Football Teams are or aren't. 

They even know if your Married or not. And, they know, 

if you are faithful or not.  

 They know you better than yourself. However, AI is not 

perfect. Nothing ever is. However, some will swear AI is 

the Future. 

 Next thing they will say to you, " We need to 

put a Chip under your skin. " .... Mark of the Beast. 

 Post your Pot pics all you like, Bank Robbers also, 

many people have and have gone to Prison after posting 

pics of Drugs, Murder, Rapes, ect.,  Some dude not long 

ago, had just robbed a Bank, went home immediately 

and told on himself by posting Pictures of himself with 

the Banks money all rolled up in his mouth. The money 

still had the Banks wrap around them for everyone to 

see. About 30 minutes later, guess who was knocking 

on his door? You got it, the Police. 

 Just imagine him in Prison and everyone laughing at 

him. Poor man. 


  Again, when someone says Google something and you 

aren't sure about the subject. You need to watch former 

employees at all these different company's - Facebook, 

Google, Yahoo, ect.,  via Youtube;  before believing 

anything Google tells you. 

 Google will tell you what you want to hear. 

Not the truth. 

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