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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

MK Ultra - was started because of Russia @ China. American Korean War prisoners.

  MK Ultra - Mind Control, LSD, can make anyone Confess ....... 

 We were Told in 2012 Moody was in Jail and could not have 

done it. 

Then, told don't write nothing about the Drexel case. 

We Complied. 

Over a year later Raymond Moody Confessed ??!!   WTH ....... 

MK Ultra ....

 Watch the story about the CIA giving Employees and others 

LSD, Acid, same thing, in the 50's and 60's. 

They gave it to follow employees without telling them 

and these people would believe anything you told them. 

"A Lady believed there was tree growing beside her desk. 

Her husband thought she's was crazy. Later it was 

revealed she was part of the MK - Ultra program. "

 MK Ultra was started because of Russia. American Korean War 

prisoners came back talking nonsense about Russian Korean war 


" You Tube " has the best stories about these trials. 

*I urge everyone to research the declassified files... the testimonies are so interesting and erie.

*And this is the stuff they tell us about, imagine what they’re not telling.

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