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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

TRUTH about the Irish Slaves - First Slaves brought to The America

I'm Irish born in the US and know our history. Thank you for learning.
Reason you don't hear about it is we don't make a big deal about it
and leave it in the past.

I'm black American and I knew from grade school that whites were sent to America as indentured slaves. But your presentation really helped me to better understand how the term "indentured slave" was just sugar coating
the fact that the Irish were slaves and if they had a contract, it could be
easily sold to the next slave owner. Due to slave rebellions, it made since to disallow the enslavement of white people at some point, so that the slave owners would not be out numbered. Wealth and greed ruled back than and
it still rules today.

I was fortunate to take some forgotten history classes and some things
he didn’t talk about was the fact that many Irish people that were forced
into slavery or indentured servitude were done so because of the people
who were in charge of capturing Irish slave would burn families and townships farmland and crops causing famine and forcing them into
slavery as well a point that not many people know. Thank you for your
videos you’re a lovely person.

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