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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Pick a side? I side with the people. Civilians. All of them. I've been to Israel. My father lives there, in Jerusalem. I'm half Palestinian. But I have numerous amazing, lovely Jewish friends. My doctor is Jewish. The news, once again, isn't giving you the whole truth. The VAST majority of Palestinians are not a hateful or violent people. On the contrary, they're some of the most loving, welcoming, family-oriented, intelligent people I've ever seen. They love their children, just like you do. They spend their time talking, dancing, sharing the most amazing food with extended family, every day. They greet others warmly with hugs and kisses, always. They live their lives with a smile on their face, despite living in very oppressive circumstances. The ones parading around dead babies or stoning women are a very SICK and FEW minority. But they get all the headlines. What happened to Jewish civilians is mind-bogglingly Horrific. What's happening to Palestinian civilians is mind-bogglingly Terrible. This is not a situation to be cheering for any one side. This is a complex, dark, TRAGEDY. There are 2 million human beings crammed into Gaza. Most have no ability to leave. 50% of Gaza is children. If you find yourself cheering the fact that they're now cut off from food, water, electricity... That children will now slowly starve to death or be blown up... If you want to "wipe out" 2 million civilians... I urge you to step back & evaluate where your heart is & what the media may be doing to you. I encourage you to look deeper than the leading news headlines, meant to divide & elicit emotion. If we have to pick a side, I invite you to join me in supporting innocent HUMAN BEINGS, of all types. ❤️

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