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Friday, March 31, 2023

Atlanta Hoods Not Seen On TV Compilation


The fact that they can say the worse thing going on in that
neighborhood is snitching shows their mentality and is a
clear indication of how lost they are.

Born and raised in Atlanta hoods. I love my city. Definitely
got into some trouble in my teen years, & have lost friends
to the streets and the prison system. Just closed on a house
this year and felt so incredibly proud of my family in how
far we came throughout the years. My hearts go out to all
of these people, especially the kids. I hope they overcome
their obstacles and get out of there. This is not where you
want to be

I’ve lived in Atlanta dang near all my life and I NEVER knew
about this neighborhood. WOOOOW! This is heartbreaking
because they don’t have to live like this. People are too
comfortable in their poverty. There’s so many ways they can
make a difference but choose to live this way. Accountability
is mandatory. Gotta do better man.

I grew up in a place like this. I got out ASAP & joined the army
& retired from it. I visited the project and about 90% of the same
people are still there. My mom & 2 brothers are still there too. 4
of us kids left at an early age & have done well for ourselves.
Everyone else is still doing the same. I don’t understand why
they wanna live like this. I’ve tried to help them by getting them
out of there but they won’t budge. They ask me for money all the
time and I used to give it to them but now I realize if I do then I’m
just encouraging their behavior. Makes me sad they’ve always
wanted nice things in life but never wanted to work hard for any
of it. Mom even put me out of the house when I was 15 years old
because I had a job and it was messing up her welfare & food
stamps. We didn’t speak for years over that. It’s become a culture
and it’s the only culture I know of that needs to be done away
with. It’s sad af and something needs to be done.

The most saddest thing about this is that these brothers care
more about how they dress then them little babies walking
around looking uncared for and its sad 😞 

Wow, some people just comfortable in they situation. Change is
also good. Better life and atmosphere.

Surveillance video shows shooting involving teens suspected in Columbus ...


This is what happens when the adults are not doing their job

shooting at your "homeboy" is crazy af. Who shoots a gun at
someone you are traveling with just because of a little altercation.
The fact that he shoot em in the leg make it look like he probably
did it to scare him so that he takes his bs in the future. I would've
stopped hanging with them all together.

Milwaukee gas station shooting, 17-year-old killed, 3 charged | FOX6 New...

Video shows suspect fire shots at person in Chicago


That had to be the damn clearest surveillance I've ever seen
in my entire life. Dude is a sitting duck wherever he goes.
He will be in the ranks of one of the worlds dumbest criminals,
and he will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Damn! That's next level nerve, or stupidity, not caring about the
fact that there are cameras everywhere and still pulling out his
gun to take someone's life...smh

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Alan Jackson - Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)


It doesn't matter how many years this song has been out there every time I hear it it brings tears to my eyes

You can hear in his voice how difficult this was to perform. Usually such a strong and steady tone, but you can hear him quiver trying to get through. So raw and emotional.

If this song doesn't hit you right in the feels even after 20 years, I don't know what will...

This was the first time that he sang the song. He gave the performance of a lifetime and helped heal a nation while nailing it on the first take. God bless

Best Acts Of Kindness | Faith In Humanity Restored | Good People Good De...


87 year old man saves puppy from gator. 
Strong, good man. 
God Blessed him with a long life for a reason. 

Your commitment to promoting acts of kindness in your
own life is a powerful example of the impact one person
can make on the world.

Best Acts Of Kindness | Faith In Humanity Restored | Good People Good De...

I'm grateful for the reminders to pause and appreciate the acts of
kindness happening around us every day.

Amen and Amen

Turn off the News and go Live.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Violent skateboard assault caught on video, Typical criminal..


He hits her so hard with the skateboard, that her head bounces off 
the sidewalk. Poor girl. She's like 16. What a freaking animal.  

Police are exposed to this kind of crap all the time, however, if 
they touch him they or either racist or police brutality. smh .. 
If the average person only knew what really goes on in the 
streets at night or day. 

Always be aware of your surroundings. She was talking to him, but
checking her phone, totally unaware of him bracing himself to bash
her with his skateboard. Still, not her fault...ijs. I pray that they
prosecute him, and I pray that she has a full recovery.

What a POS

Seriously? This is disgusting....

Biden, some Dems, Harris, Woke, Antifa, Libs, etc., want you to make 
this criminal the next mayor of NY. To feel sorry for him. 
Such BS 

This is exactly why we need to leave the police alone and let
them do their jobs on these criminals!!!


Monday, March 27, 2023

Much like BLM, the Left only cares about mass shootings when it’s something they can exploit. I don’t see any of them causing this much of a ruckus over shootings in Black neighborhoods occurring every weekend. Let’s save all lives all the time; not just when you can push your narrative.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is for Good Men to do nothing.

Christian, Prolife, Veteran, Animals🙏 🇺🇸 🇨🇦  

35 Hero Animals that Saved Human Lives !


40 Incredible Acts of Kindness Caught On Camera

The Most Priceless Moments That Will Melt Your Heart ❤️

Random Acts of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity !

Live Rescue: Most Viewed Moments From St. Louis, Missouri | A&E

Cops Use CPR To Save Man Electrocuted In His Pool | Rescue Cam | A&E

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Get your hopes up. Start expecting an abundant rain. Get ready for abundance. Get ready for overflow. God is about to exceed your expectations. You’re coming out of the dry place into more than enough.

Sometimes we say we found God, but the truth is, God wasn’t lost. We didn’t find Him; He found us. He chose you before you could choose Him.


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Crime in the City: NYC - March 17, 2023

Out on Bail??  WTH .. Out shooting more people. Judges and 
Prosecutors Not doing their jobs. 

The fact that he dropped his water bottle together with his DNA
and fingerprints on the murder scene tells you that his IQ is no
bigger then kids size shoe. Just imagine what kind of individuals
do this horrific crimes.

The fact that there is a whole segment dedicated to crime in the
city tells u a lot

All of this is terrible, but the attack on the child with Autism broke
my heart 😢 Those animals need to go to jail. ALL OF THEM 😡

Is the Navy ready? How the U.S. is preparing amid a Naval buildup in China.


"If you want peace, prepare for war." Peace comes at a
cost for sure. History has shown that.

I love the almost 'coinicidental' sighting of the submarine by
the reporter......tell me THAT wasn't intentional!! 👍👍 During
my time deployed on the USS Lincoln, I don't think I ever saw
a submarine on the surface while at sea - no doubt, they were
sailing nearby and saw us though...

We sure did, brother. Nice periscope views too🤘😅. You guys
were the visible maritime presence, we were the invisible
deterrence (our younger counterparts are now standing the watch).
Good to see them out there. Thank you for your service,
haaand salute!

We do need more Ships and Submarines. Give our Navy more ships
and submarines for deterrence.

Contractors charging to much for ships and subs. Make it a Crime to
overcharge for defense of the US.

Surveillance video shows moment of near-fatal shootout outside west Char...

Surveillance video captures gas station shooting

The sweet sound of Waterfalls.


All Ethnicities have been Slaves throughout Human History. All Ethnicities have struggled.


Our Ancestors, Irish @ Scottish, were Slaves for over 

800 years. Irish and Scottish slaves were 

the first Slaves in America. 

Yet we moved on. 

White Slaves 

Let's move on. 

Talk about Important Issues: 

Jobs, Education, Crime, Food Prices. etc., 



Unfortunate truth # 1: #BlackLivesMatter has caused race relations to get worse. There isn’t a single thing anyone can point to where they’ve caused it to get better. In fact, everything they’ve touched, they’ve destroyed.

@ZeekArkham / We love people who tell it like it is. 

Zeek is African American. Been following him. Good man. 

Unfortunate truth # 1: #BlackLivesMatter has caused race relations to get worse. There isn’t a single thing anyone can point to where they’ve caused it to get better. In fact, everything they’ve touched, they’ve destroyed.

Unfortunate truth # 2: If you’re claiming to be a Christian or “of God,” you can’t stand with an organization like this. If you do, I won’t stand with you. I might not be the best Christian out there, but I recognize evil when I see it.


Truth / Amen 


They do not want race relations better. BLM is not about race relations it’s about making money off race relations and keeping us divided. They made a criminal into a hero and called it justice and burned business and called it peaceful. All with the media’s full cooperation.


BLM learned from the best (Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton). Just like there's no money for big pharma in "cures" there's no money in people just getting along, thus the need to stoke racial division.


Those who abuse their power to go after political opponents are the greatest threat to our democracy.

The corrupt Democrat machine’s abuse of law enforcement to go after former President Trump is just the latest example of their complete disdain for the rule of law. Those who abuse their power to go after political opponents are the greatest threat to our democracy.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

 Honestly as an American Combat Veteran myself, We 

have the best people on the Planet here in the USA 

because we come from all over the World and Work 

together in the Military. 

 In the Civilian World it's the same. As long as we 

Work together as we always have China, Russia, 

Iran, North Korea, etc., cannot beat us. 

 China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Etc., actively try to have 

us attack each other via Social Media. They plant lies on the 

Internet to cause Riots and Protest. They want us to fail as 


 However, America is a diverse culture, with some of the 

brightest minds in the World. People came to the US from 

all over the World and we work together just fine. They cannot 

beat us as long as we stay united as we always have. Help one 

another. Social Media is not real life. Plus China, Russia, etc., 

put a lot of lies out there to try to divided us. ..Don't fall for 

there lies. 

 The USA is the Greatest Country by far. Because we come from all 

over the World and Work Together Everyday. Have for Hundreds of 

Years. United We Stand Strong against China, Russia, Iran, etc., 
