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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Police release video of shooting between suspect, officer


This is a perfect example for all the people that say " he should
have used a taser instead of shooting". It doesn't always work.

Suspect later passed. When he could have complied and still
be alive today. Watch for the gun. Simply comply..

Being a cop has to be scary as shit these days. I admire the
cops who stand between crazy and me. Thank you for your
service, officers. I know a lot of people are giving you hell
right now, but many more respect the hell out of you guys.
Thanks again.

This is why when cops flip the switch to arrest mode, they
need to be allowed and expected to use absolutely overwhelming
force when resisted in the slightest. It is no longer time to be
patient and use minimal force.

Some morons say, ' They only kill black people.' Suspect was
WHITE and he died. He fired at the Cops point blank range.

Oh yeah, Taser had no effect on him either.

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