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Friday, May 26, 2023

BJJ Student Saves a Cop! He saved that guy's life. When he reached for the cop's gun, the cop would've been justified in using deadly force but he wasn't alone and was able to make the arrest with no loss of life.


People have no idea how difficult it is to have control of a subject
with 2 people or less without seriously hurting them - this video
is a very good demonstration

Its extremely hard to hand cuff someone fighting you. Thank God for
the young man that helped the Officer. Or it could have turned deadly.

To whoever this man is, as a cop I thank you for stepping up. That cop
is a big dude and I’m not. I’ve had a few close fights in my time but
knowing there are people like you out there gives me a little more
confidence that I might get help if I get on the losing end.

He saved that guy's life. When he reached for the cop's gun, the cop
would've been justified in using deadly force but he wasn't alone and
was able to make the arrest with no loss of life.

This is a perfect example of backup not always be in there on time.
The civilian did an awesome job helping that officer.

The people who are talking badly against the officer need to understand a
few things. The officer had no backup and was trying to put a very strong man who was probably on drugs into handcuffs behind his back. No
matter how good of training any one person or officer might have, putting
a very strong man into handcuffs behind their back can be impossible
without help. Trying to put a very strong man into handcuffs behind their back while wearing a police belt with a gun attached makes it even harder when that same person is trying to take control of that gun.

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