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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

One of the Taylors Uncles told me," Them boys were wild back in the day but they calm now." smh

That Uncle knows exactly what them Taylors and Co-defendants 
did to them victims .. 

Excuses for kidnappers, rapist and murders ..

The Uncle went on to say," I told him ( Da'shaun Taylor ) to leave 
them girls alone. He wouldn't listen." 

Brittanee Drexel 

Crystal Soles top @ bottom

Crystal Soles went missing from the same area as the 2 

other young white girls.  ( cell phone pings )  Also she 

disappeared the same month as Shannon McConaughey.

Just a different year. 

Shaun Taylor burned this house down to the ground last year. 

Shaun knows all the horrors that happened here. He is protecting 

others: cousins, nephews, friends, his brother, son and including himself .. 

etc. .. 

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