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Saturday, April 18, 2020

"Just saying it’s being blown out of proportion. Look at India’s numbers (much bigger country).. very odd." .. ( agree with parts of this .. )

So, the temporary hospitals were taken down yesterday, ICU beds are plentiful, ventilator projections were completely blown out of proportion, medical staff being laid off and/or furloughed during a pandemic, yet media is still driving the fear element as opposed to hope. Liberal politicians are stripping our rights and civil liberties while people continue to allow it. I get being cautious, but am I the only one finding this completely insane? I wonder if this would have been handled differently if it weren’t an election year ??

Just saying it’s being blown out of proportion. Look at India’s numbers (much bigger country).. very odd  

people are getting sick, but the US has created fear to kill the economy to hurt Trump. Look at India’s numbers, much bigger country in terms of population, yet so few deaths. I understand they are not testing as much, but we’d see many deaths if the virus stayed on the American/British projectory. They are not padding the numbers and labeling every death covid related. Italy has a higher toll bc they have a high population of elderly and people that suffer with comorbidity. Yet, our numbers are blowing every other country away, it’s not adding up.

( we post other peoples ideas and what they know first hand. we do not work in 
a hospital. we post about all topics. we know our readers can decide for themselves
if they believe this persons or not. we all have common sense and wisdom. 
if you believe this person is right great, if not great... we post things to make you 
think and be informed. thank you ..  )

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