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Thursday, April 16, 2020

" It was to easy for him to say." Bubba Wallace. Amen .... With every other word in Hip Hop / Rap Music and Hollywood movies: N* this, This my N*, N* please ...

Bubba Wallace said it best," It was to easy to say." AMEN .. 

With todays Music, Movies and Hip Hop. Get out of here. 

This could of happened to any white person. 

Who likes Hip Hop @ Movies where the N* word is used over and over again. 

We are all Human. When a certain Word is used a Million times a day 
humans are going to repeat it …  smh bs call. 

Get real people … Really ?? You attack a Skinny little guy because he said 
the N* word. OMG.  .. So he should stop listening to Hip Hop Then ???? 
For the rest of his Life ???? 
This sensitive A** bull is killing us all. Come on … 

If a human being of any race hears something over and over again, They 
will eventually repeat the song !!!!  GET REAL … 

This is childish … 

All white people must stop watching Movies and Music where they say 
or sing, " My Nigga I love you." "My Nigga. " N* this, N* that. "  

WTH is a Asian, latino and whites suppose to say ???? 

This word is in nearly every movie @ Songs. You name it. People are 
going to say it singing along with the song !!!!  WTH do we do then 

Jamie Fox said the N* word over a hundred times in just one movie. 
SMH. Get real people … 

Sensitive A** BS ………………… 

* This My N* 

* My N* 

So we can't sing along nor say it …. BS 


I agree with BW. It's an ugly word. Then take it out of Movies and 
Songs.  So human being human won't sing along …. Simple enough. 

So childish … So if you have a beer you can't sing along with 
your fav. rapper because you might say something wrong ???? 

Get out of here … 

People are human …  

Sensitive ass BS …   Either take it out of society or move on. 

Take it out of Music and Movies … Be real … 

Or grow up and live a happy life and stop the double standards. 

We all have friends of many Races !! 

 Lighten up already … 

As Will Smith would say, "What weak A** word should Asians, Latinos
and Whites use instead ?? " We want to laugh with friends, talk trash, 
have some beers, just kick back. What are we suppose to use instead ?? 

I'd tell ya what my black friends would say, "Fuck that dumb shit. We 
good. Just sing because you can't sing anyway country ass." - lol. 
( That's called Being Real .. ) 

( you fired a skinny little white dude because he likes black people. 
he likes to sing along. he likes to think he is a hip hop singer. 
he likes to rap. however, because he white he can't sing along. 
that is some dumb S* …  )  

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