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Thursday, April 30, 2020
Mass Shooters you never hear about .. It isn't always whites .. Facts ..
Micah Xavier Johnson
Wanted to Kill White People and Police Officers.
Killed 5 Police Officers and Shoot 9 others
Texas Grandma Thwarts Mass Shooting Plot After Man Buys AK-47
After her grandson told her he bought an AK-47 rifle and planned to "shoot up" a hotel, she convinced him to go to the hospital.
By Beth Dalbey, Patch Staff
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020
" Whats done in the dark shall come to light." Luke 12:2-3
They beat the charges because a Taylor friend worked
for Charleston County Sheriffs Office ruined the
evidence. He was only fired never charged.
We Pray tell the FBI get's them this time around ..
Before more girls go missing ..
Crystal Soles also missing from the same area
Brittanee Drexel Mom on the 11 years her daughter has been missing .. Plus more ..
Dawn Marie is with Marie Casee and 9 others at Home.
Many people thought I would just go away but this is my daughter and I want everyone who was involved to pay for what was done to her, and I want everyone to know that I know a lot of what happened, people involved, and I will go to the end of the earth for Brittanee. I’m done with all excuses, lies, smoke and mirrors. I’m gonna do whatever it takes!!!!
I know a lot of people follow her case and I just want to update you on what happening in her case because many believe that nothing is being done. I would not let that happen 🙄 I spoke with the FBI and the United States Attorney yesterday and their is a lot being done through the FBI I’m in constant contact with the FBI and I have a lot of confidence in the new direction they are taking her case. This is all I can say for right now! For the people who know what happened to my daughter they did not forget about you. Karma!!!
I want to thank each and everyone of you that pray for her, love her, that help or has helped, that has been their to support all of us through this to continue to fight for her. We love you.
Britt you are my heart, I love n miss you so so much every single day. We will light a candle and release some balloons and love for you today believe me you will never be forgotten.❤️❤️❤️#Justice for Brittanee 🎈😘🤗❤️
Sunday, April 26, 2020
OBama could do no wrong. However Trump is attacked everyday ? What about the $ 2 Billion in cash Obama sent to Iran ? Iran funds Terrorist Groups ..
* Someone's else's opinion
I have lived through as a baby when R Nixon, G Ford, started following politics with ✅J Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. In my lifetime have I never seen or heard of a President being scrutinized over every word he speaks, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, and lied to. I have never heard their wives or children threatened, insulted, and humiliated. I am truly ashamed of the behavior of people in this country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hating, cruel Trump haters who have no morals, and news reporters who feel they have the right to purposely lie and chastise the president. Every past President was left to run the country after they were elected and had taken the oath of office. They weren’t on the news 24/7 being drawn and quartered, every word and sentence dissected, constantly pressured to do this or that without an ounce of moral support. ENOUGH is ENOUGH! LEAVE THE MAN ALONE. LET HIM DO HIS JOB.
OBama sent 2 Billion in Cash - US Dollars - to Iran !!!! It took the News Media MSM
It took the US News Media 2 weeks to even ask about this.
Then they asked 2 questions and all is forgotten. .. smh
Do Not Listen to Governors that want to open nearly everything in your State. Wait at least until May 15 th. or later. Stay Home Stay Safe.
Social Distancing is working ..
Go to work then back home is working ..
Go to the store then back home is working ..
Stay away from crowds ..
The Corona Virus is real ..
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Charleston Co., Georgetown Co. and Horry Co. Sheriff Offices Had 3 - and possibly 4 names of Persons of Interest in Brittanee Drexel Case and were Stonewalled by someone(s) !! About to make arrest. All pulled off the Case ?? smh ..
News article from 2010
Published Friday, April 09, 2010 - 7:25 PM
Investigators from three counties who have been working to find a missing New York teenager say they now have persons of interest in the case.
Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Neil Johnson said based on information that has been collected investigators feel Brittanee Drexel who was 17 years old when she disappeared from Myrtle Beach last year is no longer alive.
Johnson said investigators have “three and possibly four” persons of interest in the case. He said no other details about the persons of interest is being released at this time.
Johnson said there is no reason to believe the persons of interest knew Drexel directly.
He said lie detector tests have been administered to two of them.
Investigators from Horry and Charleston Counties are also involved in the case because Drexel’s last known whereabouts was at a Myrtle Beach hotel.
Signals from her cell phone were detected in the North Santee area along the Georgetown County - Charleston County border on April 26 of last year, one night after she went missing from Myrtle Beach. Several searches have been conducted in the North Santee area as well as in northern Charleston County for any evidence that may lead to Drexel.
Johnson said the case got hot in December when Georgetown County Investigator Chris Bailey received information about Drexel’s disappearance.
“Everything we know is leading to this area,” Johnson said. “At this point, based on everything we know, we feel she is not alive.”
Johnson said the evidence continues to point to southern Georgetown County as the place something may have happened to Drexel. He said that is based on the amount of text messages she sent in the days before her disappearance.
“She was constantly on the phone texting. Then it all stopped when she went missing,”he said. “It was like someone took the phone.”
When asked if having persons of interest will lead to charges in the case, Johnson said that is not currently known.
“We could make an arrest next week or next year, we just do not know” he said.
By Scott Harper
Someone wrote in:
Whoever the person or persons are who made the decision to shift the focus of the investigation away from the Taylors and the 4 Persons of Interest messed it up badly. They’ve known what happened to Brittanee Drexel since 2010 and who was involved for 10 years but somehow the whole thing got misdirected at some point.
Was that incompetence or corruption? Or both.
I’d be very curious to hear an explanation for that stupid decision.
leads needed to make Arrest in 2010. .. They all were pulled .. WTH ..
Someone wrote in:
It’s sick. If they had given Randell Taylor the chair for Shannon McConaughey Murder none of that would’ve happened. This is what happens when justice fails. I would even say Samantha Josephson wouldn’t have happened if the scumbags who took Brittanee were arrested and put away like the animals they are. It just keeps going. Who’s next ??
Remember 2 wrote Written Confessions against Randall Taylor. 2 of
his friends. Eli Johnson and Harry Rivers.
Brittanee Drexel would still be here if Prosecutors Both State and Federal
had done there jobs. DOJ should have stepped in when Chas. prosecutors
as always drop the ball. In Charleston Co. if your African American you
have a good chance of walking. Prosecutors will let you walk. Just ask
Randell Taylor …
Please write the DOJ, AG and the FBI HQ from below Link: Thank You
whoever pulled 3 detectives when they were close to making
arrest. 3 detectives from different 3 sheriffs offices pulled when
so close to solving this case ?? smh. only one that could have done
that was the feds. occurred in 2010 .. )
Why take a Team of 3 Detectives and a PI off a Case ?? WTH. These Detectives were close to making arrest in 2010. Brittanee Drexel Case. Makes no sense ...
*Someone sent this to us Last year. Said most have not seen it. .. We agree.
Not heard of Several Investigators being pulled off Brittanee Drexel Case. WTH ..
( happened in 2010 )
( Take a whole team Off an Active Investigation ?? Why … )
( They were getting close to solving it. smh .. Fishy )
Please watch the video. Share it as well ..
No one has ever mentioned it before
Detectives pulled when so close to making arrest .. smh
*Why remove 3 Detectives off a Case when they are so
close to making Arrest?? 2010. Politics....
Brittanee Drexel Case
They say things were going great. Chris Bailey describes the momentum and chemistry they had from the very beginning.
"You took strangers," said Bailey, "I had never met Rocky before, never met Vincent before, and never met Steve or anybody else from Merrill's before the case, and in a short time, they were able to build a bond and trust."
With the help of Merrill's Investigations, Chris and Rocky say all the agencies were working side-by-side, gaining ground.
Detectives Chris Bailey, Rocky Burke and Vincent Dorio. Had the 4 kidnappers names.
They lived and breathed this case, working and developing new leads and getting very close to making some arrests.
Close to making Arrest. However - the Feds stopped them?? 2010.
In the summer of 2010, however, they say that all changed.
In June, Bailey was taken off the case completely for the Georgetown County Sheriff's Office. Just a few months later, the same thing happened to Burke at the Charleston County Sheriff's Office.
"Some new task forces were formed and my role was diminished," said Burke.
*People would be shocked to know what really happened in this Case.
Published Friday, April 09, 2010 - 7:25 PM
Investigators from three counties who have been working to find a missing New York teenager say they now have persons of interest in the case.
Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Neil Johnson said based on information that has been collected investigators feel Brittanee Drexel who was 17 years old when she disappeared from Myrtle Beach last year is no longer alive.
Johnson said investigators have “three and possibly four” persons of interest in the case. He said no other details about the persons of interest is being released at this time.
Johnson said there is no reason to believe the persons of interest knew Drexel directly.
He said lie detector tests have been administered to two of them.
Investigators from Horry and Charleston Counties are also involved in the case because Drexel’s last known whereabouts was at a Myrtle Beach hotel.
Signals from her cell phone were detected in the North Santee area along the Georgetown County - Charleston County border on April 26 of last year, one night after she went missing from Myrtle Beach. Several searches have been conducted in the North Santee area as well as in northern Charleston County for any evidence that may lead to Drexel.
Johnson said the case got hot in December when Georgetown County Investigator Chris Bailey received information about Drexel’s disappearance.
“Everything we know is leading to this area,” Johnson said. “At this point, based on everything we know, we feel she is not alive.”
Johnson said the evidence continues to point to southern Georgetown County as the place something may have happened to Drexel. He said that is based on the amount of text messages she sent in the days before her disappearance.
“She was constantly on the phone texting. Then it all stopped when she went missing,”he said. “It was like someone took the phone.”
When asked if having persons of interest will lead to charges in the case, Johnson said that is not currently known.
“We could make an arrest next week or next year, we just do not know” he said.
By Scott Harper
See Links below:
1. Da'shaun Taylor had his own suspicious of others.
Da'Shaun Taylor told on 2 brothers who had Brittanee Drexel Cell Phone in McClellanville, SC. After he just failed his second Polygraph Exam. He was trying to compose himself and got pissed off and told on 2 others involved in Brittanee Drexel disappearance. Da'shaun Taylor had his own suspicious of others.
*How is her Cell Phone in McClellanville?? ..Others involved.
2. Shawn Taylor set a house on Fire to cover up the horrors within. Ask the FBI for the Facebook Video of him talking about the Fire which he deleted 30 minutes later. However, not before Rochester, NY made a copy of said Arson. And the Destruction of Evidence of many Victims: Kidnapped, Rapes, Tortures and Murders. Shaun Taylor was getting rid of DNA. Tampering with a crime scene is a crime. So is Arson.
*How the powers that be can explain away this - no one knows. Even the "SS" Gang, South Santee said, "They guilty as hell." A wanted man can burn down a home and walk?? On Video. With several girls missing.
Crews on scene 1819 Old Collins Creek Road for a structure fire. This is an abandoned, unoccupied building. All hands workinf
3. Testimony by FBI agent concerning the Brittanee Drexel Case. Brittanee Drexel was Human Trafficked, showed off, taken to 3 different cities: North Charleston, Georgetown and McClellanville. Many Witnesses.
See Transcript below:
4. The FBI also had Several other Witnesses tell them who took
Brittanee Drexel. Plus via Tip Line: 1-800-FBI-TIPS.
Besides Taquan Brown.
5. Attempted Abduction of Randa Massey. 07/28/10
Myrtle Beach Police arrested a McClellanville man wanted in connection to a kidnapping attempt a week ago in Myrtle Beach -- a case that has eery similarities to that of missing spring breaker Brittanee Drexel. Shaun Taylor, 37, turned himself in Wednesday morning to face charges of attempted kidnapping and first degree assault. An arrest warrant was obtained Monday, and despite two days of searching, detectives were unable to locate Taylor.
6. Kidnappings prompt look back at other Missing Girls:
Shannon McConaughey, Brittanee Drexel, Crystal Soles,
Mia Cyntha Bullock, many others Missing ..
7. Randell Taylor, Shaun Taylors older brother, started the
Kidnappings in 1998 if not before, along with 4 other men.
They took Shannon McConaughey from us.
Kidnapped her, Raped her and Murdered her.
2 Wrote Written Confessions. See below:
James Isaac Weston Jr. aka "Tag"
Harry James Rivers - Confessed in Writing.
Elijah "Eli" J. Johnson - Confessed in Writing.
and Jacob Taylor.
Timeline that reveals the Shannon McConaughey story: ( January 1998 - May 2001 )
"...Shannon McConaughey was last reported seen about 11 p.m. Jan. 29, leaving the Cracker Barrel restaurant on Ashley Phosphate Road..."
"...On Friday, McConaughey's dark-blue 1984 Mercury Cougar was found burned on a remote road near McClellanville. The fire nearly destroyed the car, and investigators found only a cellular phone and some Amway notebooks that had not burned, said Berkeley County Sheriff's Capt. Butch Henerey...."
"...For five weeks, relatives and friends of 19-year-old Shannon McConaughey anguished over her disappearance. On Monday, their worst fears were confirmed. A body found Friday in woods near Awendaw has been positively identified as that of the Berkeley County woman missing since Jan. 29..."
"...Charged with murder are James Isaac Weston Jr., 24, of South Santee Road; Harry James Rivers, 29, of Society Road; Elijah J. Johnson, 26, of Old Germantown Road; and Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Rainey Street in Georgetown. All four were denied bail..."
"....One of five men charged in the 1998 murder of Shannon McConaughey told investigators she was raped and shot twice in the head after leaving a McClellanville-area bar with the suspects, a detective testified Tuesday. Suspect Elijah Johnson claimed the entire group intended to rape the 19-year-old St. Stephen woman, but the first man to attack her went "berserk" and killed her, Charleston County Sgt. David Robertson said. Robertson testified during a preliminary hearing for three of the men charged with McConaughey's murder - Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Georgetown and McClellanville residents Harry James Rivers, 29, and James Isaac Weston Jr., 24. All three were arrested Feb. 8...."
"...The defense lawyers also raised questions about four written statements Rivers, one of the suspects, provided to deputies in 1998. Rivers first told investigators he saw McConaughey and Randall Taylor drive off together that night after asking him where they could buy drugs, Robertson testified. Rivers later said McConaughey was slumped over in the car and bleeding from her mouth and nose. He changed his story yet again before finally telling police he had been lying and knew nothing about her death, Robertson said. Taylor is accused of shooting McConaughey, and the others allegedly helped him dispose of her body and car, arrest affidavits state. Also charged in the crime are Johnson, 26, and Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, both of McClellanville...."
"...The fifth man accused in the 1998 murder of a St. Stephen woman was arrested Saturday aboard a tugboat in Georgia waters. The U.S. Coast Guard detained Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, of McClellanville. Charged with murder, he was being held Saturday night in Georgia, authorities said...."
"....After nearly four months in jail, five men accused of a high- profile Lowcountry murder were set free Tuesday when the Charleston County Solicitor's Office dropped the charges, citing a lack of evidence...."
"...On Tuesday, Solicitor Ralph Hoisington and Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon said they had reviewed the case and determined there was not enough evidence to convict the men..."
"...Johnson was arrested in August 1998 on an unrelated breach of trust charge, deputies said. Deputies at the preliminary hearing said Johnson told them that when the group reached the woods, Randall Taylor suddenly appeared and shot McConaughey..."
"....Authorities say the investigation continues, and they still think some people in the McClellanville area have information, but have not come forward, Lucas said. "We have to have cooperation from people who know about this," he said. "At this point, unless we find some more information, we are not going to be able to bring this case to trial, and we want to," he said...."
Many more Links to come. It's been over 13 years.
One thing for sure, Hell is Hot.
*Every Witness was African American. Not one
witness said anything about a white dude being
They all said African American suspects.
Moody did not kidnap Brittanee. However, he
in the end was the fall guy. Poor Brittanee was
sold many times the FBI Testified.
-Da'shaun Taylor told of 2 brothers arguing over her cell phone
in McClellanville.
-The father, Shaun Taylor, burns down a stash house.
-Detectives Stopped from arresting the real Kidnappers
in 2010 @ 2011.
Archives The " School " in question was deemed as a place where ...