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Monday, February 28, 2022

#GeorgeFloyd #AhmaudArbery Got Justice .. Now when will Brittanee Drexel, Shannon McConaughey, Crystal Soles, etc., get #Justice also .... ??


Crystal Soles

Brittanee Drexel

Two Confessed in Writing to what happened to poor Shannon :

Here is a Timeline that Reveals the Shannon McConaughey Story: (January 1998 - May 2001)


"...Shannon McConaughey was last reported seen about 11 p.m. Jan. 29, leaving the Cracker Barrel restaurant on Ashley Phosphate Road..."

"...On Friday, McConaughey's dark-blue 1984 Mercury Cougar was found burned on a remote road near McClellanville. The fire nearly destroyed the car, and investigators found only a cellular phone and some Amway notebooks that had not burned, said Berkeley County Sheriff's Capt. Butch Henerey...."

"...For five weeks, relatives and friends of 19-year-old Shannon McConaughey anguished over her disappearance. On Monday, their worst fears were confirmed. A body found Friday in woods near Awendaw has been positively identified as that of the Berkeley County woman missing since Jan. 29..."

"...Charged with murder are James Isaac Weston Jr., 24, of South Santee Road; Harry James Rivers, 29, of Society Road; Elijah J. Johnson, 26, of Old Germantown Road; and Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Rainey Street in Georgetown. All four were denied bail..."    ** Also Jacob Taylor ... REFUSED EXTRADITION BACK TO SC. FROM GA. 


"....One of five men charged in the 1998 murder of Shannon McConaughey told investigators she was raped and shot twice in the head after leaving a McClellanville-area bar with the suspects, a detective testified Tuesday. Suspect Elijah Johnson claimed the entire group intended to rape the 19-year-old St. Stephen woman, but the first man to attack her went "berserk" and killed her, Charleston County Sgt. David Robertson said. Robertson testified during a preliminary hearing for three of the men charged with McConaughey's murder - Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Georgetown and McClellanville residents Harry James Rivers, 29, and James Isaac Weston Jr., 24. All three were arrested Feb. 8...."

"...The defense lawyers also raised questions about four written statements Rivers, one of the suspects, provided to deputies in 1998. Rivers first told investigators he saw McConaughey and Randall Taylor drive off together that night after asking him where they could buy drugs, Robertson testified. Rivers later said McConaughey was slumped over in the car and bleeding from her mouth and nose. He changed his story yet again before finally telling police he had been lying and knew nothing about her death, Robertson said. Taylor is accused of shooting McConaughey, and the others allegedly helped him dispose of her body and car, arrest affidavits state. Also charged in the crime are Johnson, 26, and Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, both of McClellanville...."

"....The assistant solicitor countered that only someone involved in the crime could have known the details Johnson provided, such as where the body was found, the nature of her wounds and that a red gas can was on the rear floorboard of her car. Investigators found traces of the can in the car, he said....."

"...The fifth man accused in the 1998 murder of a St. Stephen woman was arrested Saturday aboard a tugboat in Georgia waters. The U.S. Coast Guard detained Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, of McClellanville. Charged with murder, he was being held Saturday night in Georgia, authorities said...."

"....After nearly four months in jail, five men accused of a high- profile Lowcountry murder were set free Tuesday when the Charleston County Solicitor's Office dropped the charges, citing a lack of evidence...."

"...On Tuesday, Solicitor Ralph Hoisington and Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon said they had reviewed the case and determined there was not enough evidence to convict the men..."

"...Johnson was arrested in August 1998 on an unrelated breach of trust charge, deputies said. Deputies at the preliminary hearing said Johnson told them that when the group reached the woods, Randall Taylor suddenly appeared and shot McConaughey..." 

"....Authorities say the investigation continues, and they still think some people in the McClellanville area have information, but have not come forward, Lucas said. "We have to have cooperation from people who know about this," he said. "At this point, unless we find some more information, we are not going to be able to bring this case to trial, and we want to," he said...."


 Randall K. Taylor 

 Jacob Leon Taylor 

 Harry James Rivers  -  Confessed 

 Elijah J. Johnson  -  Confessed                            James Isaac Weston, Jr. aka TAG 

In the Brittanee Drexel Case, Timothy Da'Shaun Taylor, told the FBI
of two men arguing over her Cell Phone. Plus Several Witnesses have
come forward with who Kidnapped her.
Other witnesses have told them much more ..

More Girls are Missing ..

Where is the "Justice" for all these Victims .. ??!!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Why isn't CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ect., Attacking #Biden like they did Trump??!! Hundreds of Thousands will die. Where is the #MSM at? Asking hard questions. Why a War?? #RussiaUkraineWar Why didn't the Dems stop it!!?? Where is the News Media at - Asking more Questions?
Biden should have done more....

Thursday, February 24, 2022

We had: 0% inflation Record low unemployment Record low interest rates Peace in the Middle East Peace in Europe $2.55 a gallon gasoline The left blew it....

This is without a doubt the most disastrous presidency I have ever seen in my lifetime. #BidenIsAFailure


The biggest Democratic lie is that they are 'progressives.' They are the most regressive party ever - they brought back racism, inflation, crime, the energy crisis and now the cold war too. #progress #MAGA #Trump #BidenIsAFailure

Everyone and anyone reading this understand... This is happening -- Russia is emboldened -- because of woke, weak BS in Washington D.C. Once the bad actors in the world saw how ridiculously bungled our leaving Afghanistan was -- this was imminent. #BidenIsAFailure

The Biden administration wanted this war to happen. Elections are approaching, and the Covid narrative is crumbling. Now they want our focus to be on the Russia-Ukraine crisis instead of his failures. #BidenIsAFailure

Where are all of those I voted for Biden signs now? You double standard hypocrites who fucking hide in shame! Fuck you ! #Liberals #BidenIsAFailure

#BidenIsAFailure sick you people who supported this POS! All delusional, race baiters, Country haters, freedom haters! Everything bad going on is because of your stupidity of voting for the death stick!

What's u think about it ? ? ? 

Afghanistan Done.

Ukraine Almost Done.

Next- Taiwan. 😁

 Ukraine | Russia | China | NATO | World War III 


 #BidenIsAFailure #Putin #RussiaUkraineConflict

Comments on Social Media: above

Afghanistan was the mistake that emboldened Putin. #BidenIsAFailure

We Concur

Many, Many Thousands will Die because Biden Failed us all.

Pray for Ukraine

Praying for them. Putin is a Dictator not a President.


Gas prices will soar. Get Gas now!! #RussiaInvadesUkraine

#Putin Invasion of #Ukraine will cause many, many to die. It will be terrible. Biden is too weak. Putin use to work for the KGB. He has no heart. Putin has had thousands killed. Now more will die. Biden is lame.

Putin is a Hard Liner. Old Russian. Killing is in his blood. KGB Officer.

                                  Vladimir Putin - 16 Years as a KGB Officer 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

If Joe Biden was serious about strengthening our position against Russia, he’d reopen the Keystone XL and get American energy back up and running!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

There are really AMERICANS out here trying to justify Putin's actions??? WTF is wrong with y'all? War isn't good for ANYONE!!!

Biden has to get rid of his entire national security advisory team ASAP and bring in people who, unlike him and his present advisory team, know what the hell they’re doing. And he needs to do it fast…

Police officers have very hard jobs. I didn’t realize how hard their jobs were before I started driving a taxi in ‘81. They have long hours, dangerous situations, & have to deal with horrible scenes that criminals create.

Did anyone imagine Biden’s presidency would become the mess it is? We’re not even 2 years in and we’re facing a perfect storm of unprecedented domestic and foreign clusterfcks. Obama was at least right about one thing: Biden will *uck things up. We’re about to learn how badly.

Can we at least open up the Keystone Pipeline??

Secure our Borders??

Just saying

Now would be a good time to crank up the Keystone pipeline. And secure our own border.

Make It Make Sense: Hate Crimes 16 on 1 and Not a Hate Crime?? Bull .. Many, Many other Victims ..

16 on 1 and No Hate Crime Charges ever filed???? The young man 

never walked again. Doctors removed part of his Brains. He was  

bedridden until his death. Wore a Diaper. Never got to play with his 

1 year old son again. 

Make it Make Sense.... 

Troy Knapp's 

Troy is dead. His killers walk the streets. 

Most they got was 6 years. omg .. 

Many others killed. Not one Charged with a Hate Crime ???? 

Make it Make Sense .. 

Melissa "Missi" Mclaughlin

Kidnapped, Raped over and over, Murdered .. 

Suspects below, "We Captured us a White woman."

"Come and Join in one yelled. Another animal did."

Made her clean herself with Bleach. 

Inside and out. Shot her 5 times in the Face.

Not One Charged with a Hate Crime?? 

  Channon Christian and Christpher Newsom  

Young couple in Love. 21 and 23. Kissing by their car. 
Kidnapped, Raped both Male and Female, Young mans 
private parts cut off, put down his throat, tortured, 
set on fire. Channon was kept alive. Raped again 
and again over 4 days. Found her body in 6 
different garbage bags. They cut her up. 

No Hate Crimes Charges Ever Filed???? WTH ..

Both Families ask for Hate Crime Charges. FBI said, "No."

Make It Make Sense..!! 
The torture and murder of Channon (pronounced “Shannon”) Christian (21) and Christopher Newsom (23) is the most horrific story I have ever read. This crime not only has some of the most brutal details I have read, but it also has this senselessness about it that makes the fact that it happened, almost unbearable. 

Troy Knapp's was White and Riding a bike. They jumped him.  

Missi McLaughlin was White walking down Stall rd. Then Kidnapped. 

Both occurred in North Charleston, SC. - Also Shannon McConaughey

was last seen alive in North Charleston, SC at the Cracker Barrel. 

Channon Christian @ Christopher Newsom were White and Kissing. 

Then Kidnapped.  

Make It Make Sense - For the Love of God 

16 on 1 but not a Hate Crime?? Really!! 

Missy and the Couple in TN. They used Racial 

Slurs.  Planned the Kidnappings & Rapes.

However, No Hate Crime Charges  ?? 

How can that be 

Make It Make Sense 

Many more White Victims of Barbaric attacks..  

Not One Charged with a Hate Crime?? 

Feds, News Media say nothing of these Crimes??

Make It Make Sense 

Where is the Department of Justice at??