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Friday, February 4, 2022


20 people arrested, charged in drone attacks at Lee Correctional, officials say  

( Sounds like a Mexican Cartel member needed his drugs @ some money. Why 
   they even called it an attack ??  smh .. )   ( El Chapo must be in there. ) 

An eight-month investigation into drone attacks at a South Carolina prison has led to 20 arrests and more than 100 pounds of contraband confiscated, officials said Thursday.

In a release, officials said the investigation was conducted during frequent nighttime drone assaults at Lee Correctional Institution, in Bishopville, about 50 miles northeast of Columbia.

Lee Correctional Institution, In Bishopville
Lee Correctional Institution, In Bishopville

The latest arrests were made over the weekend when Lee County Sheriff’s deputies took five people into custody in two separate, unrelated groups that they said were attempting to fly drones carrying contraband over the prison fences.

“Our main focus is to stop contraband from entering the institution, and especially prevent someone from getting injured in the process,” Lee County Sheriff Daniel Simon said. “We formed this partnership years ago, working hand in hand with each other to keep the inmates and the public safe.”


The investigation began in May 2021, with eight arrests being made through August. The 2022 arrests were all in January. Lee Correctional is just outside the city limits of Bishopville, a small town near Interstate 20. Law enforcement officers work together to combat the frequent drone attacks.

“My officers are ready and willing to assist the sheriff’s office any time, especially when it involves the drone activity and contraband at the prison,” Bishopville Police Chief J.D. Dellinger said.

As drone technology gets more sophisticated, law enforcement continues to improve efforts and techniques to stop contraband packages from reaching the hands of inmates.

The recent seizures at Lee include:

  • About 100 pounds of tobacco
  • About 13 pounds of marijuana
  • About 843 grams of methamphetamines
  • About 114 grams of crack cocaine
  • About 49 grams of cocaine
  • 25 cellphones
  • Two knives
  • Three guns
  • 12 drones
  • $6,393 in cash

Packages also included numerous charging cords, lighters, bottles of liquor, candy and clothing items.

Officers also have found three abandoned drones containing about five pounds of tobacco and 100 grams of meth in the woods near the prison fences.

In the most recent incident, two unrelated groups of people were both trying to fly drones over the yard at the same time. Simon said one of those drones was the largest he’s ever seen.

“These large drones can carry heavier and heavier packages,” Simon said. “We are working hard to stop them from getting in the wrong hands.”

“I’m grateful for the partnership with have with Lee County and the hard work their officers do to keep contraband from entering the institution,” SCDC Director Bryan Stirling said. 

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