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Friday, February 18, 2022

Just a friendly reminder to everyone there’s something called slips and capture error which is something that happens when someone is involved in a high level stress situation a persons brain may allow them to do one thing while completely intending to do another this is a very unfortunate situation I just want everyone to know all the possible details before just jumping on here bashing.  

Deven Warren

We think this young man who is African American gets it. 
The female Officer in a High Stress Situation pulled the 
wrong weapon. His words make complete sense. She's 
human like everyone else. Cops are not machines. 
God will Bless him. 

Other's Comments: 
Put a Badge on and show them how it's done when you're about to die. Cops are Human to.... It was a HIGH Stress Situation. They will make mistakes. You make mistakes all the time so do Police. HUMAN not machines .. Amen  

I feel so bad for the family and I know she didn't mean to do this. But it happened. I do notice that bad things happen when people refuse to cooperate with police. We always hear that police need more training but we are never told how important it is to cooperate with police and follow orders. I know so many cops have been killed and I understand the fear when a person becomes combative or makes sudden moves. I have seen videos of cops being shot when a person suddenly pulls a weapon. It's easy to sit and judge police and say they should know how to handle every situation but each call is different and there is no way to train for every possible scenario. Kim's mistake was huge and while we all know it was not intentional, it was a monumental error that cost a young man his life. Two years isn't long and more of a warning to other officers to think twice before using any weapon. What everyone should take away from this is that you don't become combative with police because it immediately escalates the situation and when things get chaotic, mistakes are more likely to be made because they have to make quick decisions. I wish people would understand that while many people might be afraid of cops, may cops are afraid of people.  
Well said .... 

yea put your self in those shoes and see what happens ..u grab a weapon your not gonna take time to look at it with a split second only. 

The average officer retires without ever using their gun. Training is obviously a big part of any officers life but until something happens you just never know how things are going to go. Maybe seeing her partner being dragged by the car added another element. I believe she made an honest mistake. What wasn’t a mistake was how the victim did not listen and tried to get away. Ultimately that is the problem which caused this.

Extreme stress can invalidate all the training in the world. Spot on.. 

- Stop Breaking the Law 
- Comply 
- Get a JOB 
- Stay in School. It's Free .. 
- You Live in the Greatest Country in the World 
- Go live your life. 
- Hard work pays 

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