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Sunday, December 27, 2020

When will "White Victims" of Violent Crimes / Tortured by other Races get Justice or even mentioned ..

Troy Knapp - 16 Black males beat him to death. A 20 yoa white man 
riding a bike .. Doctors had to remove part of his brain. In a Coma 
for months.. Died wearing a Diaper, bedridden, hand fed by his 
mom and sister till he passed. Never got to play with his 1 year old 
son again..  -  ..Killed for riding a bike while white.. -
Troy was a vegetable for 10 years. Then passed. The 16 black males
did no more than 6 years.. Some only probation. ..Just imagine if Troy 
Knapp was black, suspects white. Them 16 whites would have gotten 
life. ..You are to be sentenced according to how bad off you left the 
victim. They took his life ....  

Melissa "Missy" Mclaughlin - Kidnapped, Raped & Murdered by no less 
than 5 Black Males .. Raped for over 24 hours. Poured Bleach on her while 
still alive to hide the crimes. Then shot her 5 times in the head ..  
Gardner below was the leader. Kidnapped off Stall Rd. 

Channon Christian - Christopher Newsom
A young white couple both male and female, 23 & 21 yoa, were 
Kidnapped, Raped, Tortured. The young mans penis was cut off 
and put down his throat. After all raped him they set him on 
fire on some railroad tracks. The girl was raped and tortured 
another 4 days. Then they cut her to pieces. 5 garbage bags. 
True Crimes : // Channon Christian @ Christopher Newsom 
// Hate ... 
( never heard of this brutal crime until years later ) 
( media blackout .. smh  ) 
( no hate crime charges ever filed. though the family 
  asked for hate crime charges ) 

Shannon McConaughey - Shannon worked for Amway. Just trying 
to make a living. She like so many other victims never got to get 
married and have kids. Randall Taylor kidnapped her, tortured 
and raped her. 4 of his friends had paid to rape her also. 
Sex Trafficking. One had asked to buy some weed from 
Randall Taylor at a bar he had drove to after kidnapping, beating, 
raping Shannon. Randall had no weed but had captured a white 
girl he told him. 4 others wanted to rape her as well. Even though
she was bleeding from her nose and mouth, unconscious, slumped 
forward in the car. Once out in the woods Randall raped her again, 
and when the other 4 tried to rape her Randall got mad and shot 
Shannon in the head. 
2 Confessed to Shannon McConaughey death. However a Deputy 
was friends of the Taylors ruined some of the evidence. He was 
only fired.  ..All charges dropped....... smdh 

*Why not Exhume the body ????  ..Get more DNA. 
  More girls are missing because of no good prosecutors.. 

Crystal Soles 
Brittanee Drexel 
Cyntha Mae Bullock 
others ..  

None of the above Criminals charged with any Hate Crimes .. smh  
Not One .. 

Comment by someone: These stories are the absolute worst things 
possibly done to a human being and they are just out having a 
life again?   

*Whites of Violent Crimes in the Southeast get little to No Justice ..   

This a only a small percentage of the victims ..    

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