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Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Black Americans Kill 6000 of each other each year. Not a word. Chicago, Baltimore, Jacksonville, etc., War zones. 6000 killed by Black on Black Violence. Nothing is said or done? #Hypocrites Police in 2019 killed 19 unarmed Whites & .. only 9 Unarmed Blacks. #FactsNotFear Talk about that ..

Black on Black Crimes out of Control. Nothing is said or done by BLM ..

Obama warns activists against using the phrase 'defund the police,' sparking criticism
During an interview on Wednesday, former President Barack Obama referred to the phrase “defund the police” as a “snappy slogan," saying: "you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done." The remarks sparked pushback from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, and sparked a discussion among activists about the true meaning of the slogan.

Former President Barack Obama suggested in a new interview that “defund the police” was little more than a “snappy slogan” that polarized many Americans and was ineffectual at producing broader reforms to the criminal justice system in the United States.

Obama is right. ..Plus what about the 6000 killed yearly by Black on
Black Shootings and Killings??

Fix the real problems ..

Cops killed both White and Black criminals.
However, .. Nowhere near 6000 ....

Facts Matter ..

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