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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 In 200,000 trips up and down the Interstate of our great State I have met 

the nicest people in the World. I will stop my truck everyday to get gas. 

Going to and from the Mountains to the coast. I live in best state in 

America, bar none. 

South Carolina. The nicest people in America live in South Carolina. 

Here's why .. 

When I stop and get gas on my trips from Spartanburg to Charleston 

5 days a week I always stop at different places. Or come back to a 

certain gas station a month later. When I get out my truck, I grab my 

Navy Veteran Hat and my cane. Let me tell you a little secret, I don't 

need no cane. It's part of my act to show the 

World Southern people of South Carolina are the nicest in the World. 

I'll start acting like I'm having problems getting the gas cap off, or 

drop my cane a couple times and have to reach for it, or just can't 

get right...  Let me tell you somethin, every time 

someone comes over to help me. 

They may be White, Black, Latino, Asian, Arab, ect. I don't care I 

love them all. They help me pump my gas into my truck. It's raining 

sometime, no matter, cold no matter, people of all races help me. 

Never fails. I love all Americans. I love all in this 

Great World we live in. 

When they get done helping ,me I try to give them money as we all 

do if we got it for the help. For their love, respect and for just being 

nice. 9 times out of ten they won't take no money. Its just  $ 5. 

Others times if its cold if they refuse 

the money I put it in there coat pocket. They will find it later .. 

This world is full of great, great people !! Nice people everywhere .. 

I've been all over the world. Military. Nice people everywhere I 

went. Beautiful people everywhere  ..  

More than 500 people I 'd say have helped me. Not one I 

wouldn't help either..   Love, respect, smile at, wave at, laugh 

with, just say hi,. Whites, Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, etc., been 

getting along just fine for the last 50, 60, 70, years and so on.. 

.. Don't listen to them idiots on the News. Cause I'm here to 

tell you people are doing just fine when it comes to helping 

one another. I'm living proof .. All races always help me and 

we talk, laugh, joke, talk about the weather, you name it. 

It always ends with a thank you and handshake.  

God Bless you all. Helpers, just being nice, help others, smile at 

people you may just make his or hers day. You just never know .. 

Happy Holidays guys ..  

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