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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tulsi Gabbard sounds off after ripping Kamala Harris at debate. She has Moxie !! I like her .... Tulsi Gabbard is awesome.

Gabby told the Truth and was Attacked for it  ! Kamala Harris 

is not a good person. 

Put Candace Owens and Tulsi Gabbard in Office .. They 

ain't scared of these Thugs who attack the truth. Gabby was 

Attacked by Kamala Harris Handlers for telling the Truth. 

Kamala Harris has No Heart 

( laughing about putting over 1500 people in prisons for weed 
offenses and later laughing about it in an interview because she 
smokes weed to. smdh. .. no heart or morals .. ) 


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