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Saturday, August 22, 2020

"What is Done in the Dark Shall Come to Light." Taylor Crime Family @ Associates. .. What about the Victims Cards ?

Same Crime Family @ Associates took all these young girls 

lives. Perhaps many more. Taylor Crime Family and Associates .. 

What's to stop this Gang of Human Traffickers from 

doing it again and again ??  

Ask yourself, "How many children does Shawn Taylor have ??" 

He has "19" children.  19 Hard Boiled kids  .. Look at their 

Dad, Uncle Randell Taylor & Uncle Jacob Taylor, Kidnappers, 

Rapist & Killers. What do you think is going to happen .. ?  

Elijah ( Eli ) Johnson and Harry Rivers told us in 2 Written 

Confessions how Randell Taylor Kidnapped, Raped, Beat and 

Murdered poor Shannon McConaughey.  ( eli & harry both said 

when they first saw poor shannon in randell's car. she was bleeding 

from her nose and mouth, slumped forward, unconscious. he beat 

the hell out of her and the FBI / DOJ  do nothingggggggg ...   )   

Brown and many others have also told us what happened to poor 

Brittanee Drexel.    ( monsters, animals ain't even close .. )  

If the Victims were a darker shade the Killers would of 

been in Prison 22 years ago. However now, more girls are missing .. 

Jacob Taylor ( another taylor ) 
Was Present when Shannon McConaughey was killed
He was next in line to rape her 
However, Cousin Randell went crazy and killed a little 
girl that worked for Amway. 

On this very Facebook post he says," I'm laying low." 

Randell Taylor started the kidnappings, killings and raping's
with Shannon McConaughey. As far as we know. 
Jan. 1998 

2 Months after beating, raping and killing poor 
little Shannon McConaughey, he beat the hell out 
of his then girlfriend. Same MO. He beat 
her so bad Police didn't charge him with CDV. 
Criminal Domestic Violence. They charged him with 
a Higher Offense of ABHAN. 
Assault and Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature. 
The Police are doing their jobs. 
Prosecutors and Judges are not. Randell only 
did a few months. Judge James Williams Jr. 
felt he needed 20 more second chances.
Randell got time served in Jail. smdh

He then beat the Murder charge when he had a 
friend of the Taylor Gang who just so happened worked 
for the Charleston County Sheriffs Office 
tamper with the Evidence in the case. 
( deputy was only fired never charged ) 
Great Family ... 

When Randell Taylor goes to see his maker he will pay .. 

Lord knows these days he doesn't go anywhere without 
his Bible. Him, Shaun, Da'shaun, Errol, etc., all go to 
Church Now every since being named prime suspects
in Brittanee Drexel Disappearance. 

Religiously .. 

Their feet be getting hot. Going to get a lot hotter.

We pray for Justice here on Earth 

Their Lives Mattered To Us 

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