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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

This was written by someone before we knew Jacob Blake was indeed Armed. It speaks Volumes ....

Had the officers taken him down earlier in the incident there would have been outrage that he was handcuffed for no reason. Law enforcement has become a game of which option, at this very moment in the interaction, is the least offensive and thus least likely to cause a lawsuit. I'm leaning towards the fact that their agency has a policy in place to not use aggression and attempt to talk the individual into compliance. When the "victim" reached into his vehicle that policy was thrown out the door and it became a life threatening action towards the officers. That is why they shot him when and where they did
As to the number of rounds fired, I would only guess that two officers fired a double tap of two rounds and the one nearest fired 3 but that is only conjecture.

This was written by someone before we knew Jacob Blake was indeed Armed. 
It speaks Volumes ....   

In todays back-ass-wards world we have to Coddle Criminals. SMDH 
Or BLM and or Antifa will burn crap down. 
Put them in Jail. Put them Prison. Build them some Tent City Jails. 
Or pass out Job Applications and No more Protest. Which ever is 
easier. Come down hard on them. Democratic cities are a mess ....
Look at Chicago. 52 Shootings last weekend and NOT one BLM 
Protest.  Hypocrisy ..
Straight up criminal. Wanted for Rape and Demostic Violence .... 


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