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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Dang this Division crap. People need to get along like we always have.

Don't listen to hate. 

Love is the Greatest. 

We all got friends of every ethnicity. 

No dummy on TV will ever change that - period. 

A lot of men and women fought and died for our freedoms. Of 

every race. What would they say if they saw America right now ?? 

Stop the Hate Speeches, Stop the Riots and Looting. Have respect 

for yourself and others. Your and my ancestors fought for all our 

Freedoms We Enjoy Today in America. Remember that. Every race 

fought and died for our rights and freedoms. 

( revolutionary war, civil war, ww1, ww2, korea, vietnam, 

  desert storm, 9/11 afghanistan war ..   ) 

Our Veterans of every Ethnicity Won our Freedoms for us 

to Live in Peace. 


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