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Thursday, December 31, 2020

 Have a Happy New Year Everyone ! 

 Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you His peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.

2 Thessalonians 3:16
Red heart

Samuel Little, America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, Dies at 80

Serial Killer Samuel Little who Confessed to more than 90 murders 

die's in California hospital.  

Killed 3 times as many people as Ted Bundy.  

Samuel Little, who surpassed even such lethal predators as Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy to become the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history while going undetected for decades, died at a Los Angeles-area hospital on Wednesday, California corrections officials said. He was 80.

No cause of death had yet been determined for Mr. Little, who had been serving a life sentence at a state prison in Los Angeles County since 2014 for the murders of three women in South Los Angeles during the 1980s.

There was no sign of foul play in connection with Mr. Little’s death, Vicky Waters, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, said in an email on Wednesday night. The Associated Press reported that Mr. Little had diabetes, heart trouble and other unspecified ailments.

Mr. Little had confessed to having committed 93 murders between 1970 and 2005, at least 60 of which have been verified by law enforcement officers, the F.B.I. said. He had been convicted of at least eight murders, some of which were solved using D.N.A. analysis. 

Samuel Little, America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, Dies at 80.
Murdered 93 women.
Most have never heard of him.
News media for you.
Killed for 35 years.
Serial killer Samuel Little who confessed to more than 90 murders dies in California hospit

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

 Dead people can vote AND get paid, I guess we were all wrong about the afterlife!

Face with rolling eyes
Quote Tweet
Senator Rand Paul
I passed legislation in the Senate to eliminate stimulus checks to dead people but Nancy Pelosi refused to allow a vote in the House. Dead people may still get $600 stimulus checks

 I’m Proud to be an American and a Christian!

Monday, December 28, 2020

 So we get $ 600 from Nancy and Joe. smh....... President #Trump wanted every America to get $ 2000 each. $ 4000 for a couple!!!! We tried to tell you libtards, dems, and morons about these people. Oh well .... Just think you could of had $1400 more. #DemocratsAreCorrupt

 Covid has a 99.97 survival rate, you will be OK, unless you have a weakened immune system meaning you already have pneumonia, lung disease, or some kind of illness such as cancer.

It is flu and cold season after all. Some people gets sick and most survive it. So you can stop with the fear mongering.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

When will "White Victims" of Violent Crimes / Tortured by other Races get Justice or even mentioned ..

Troy Knapp - 16 Black males beat him to death. A 20 yoa white man 
riding a bike .. Doctors had to remove part of his brain. In a Coma 
for months.. Died wearing a Diaper, bedridden, hand fed by his 
mom and sister till he passed. Never got to play with his 1 year old 
son again..  -  ..Killed for riding a bike while white.. -
Troy was a vegetable for 10 years. Then passed. The 16 black males
did no more than 6 years.. Some only probation. ..Just imagine if Troy 
Knapp was black, suspects white. Them 16 whites would have gotten 
life. ..You are to be sentenced according to how bad off you left the 
victim. They took his life ....  

Melissa "Missy" Mclaughlin - Kidnapped, Raped & Murdered by no less 
than 5 Black Males .. Raped for over 24 hours. Poured Bleach on her while 
still alive to hide the crimes. Then shot her 5 times in the head ..  
Gardner below was the leader. Kidnapped off Stall Rd. 

Channon Christian - Christopher Newsom
A young white couple both male and female, 23 & 21 yoa, were 
Kidnapped, Raped, Tortured. The young mans penis was cut off 
and put down his throat. After all raped him they set him on 
fire on some railroad tracks. The girl was raped and tortured 
another 4 days. Then they cut her to pieces. 5 garbage bags. 
True Crimes : // Channon Christian @ Christopher Newsom 
// Hate ... 
( never heard of this brutal crime until years later ) 
( media blackout .. smh  ) 
( no hate crime charges ever filed. though the family 
  asked for hate crime charges ) 

Shannon McConaughey - Shannon worked for Amway. Just trying 
to make a living. She like so many other victims never got to get 
married and have kids. Randall Taylor kidnapped her, tortured 
and raped her. 4 of his friends had paid to rape her also. 
Sex Trafficking. One had asked to buy some weed from 
Randall Taylor at a bar he had drove to after kidnapping, beating, 
raping Shannon. Randall had no weed but had captured a white 
girl he told him. 4 others wanted to rape her as well. Even though
she was bleeding from her nose and mouth, unconscious, slumped 
forward in the car. Once out in the woods Randall raped her again, 
and when the other 4 tried to rape her Randall got mad and shot 
Shannon in the head. 
2 Confessed to Shannon McConaughey death. However a Deputy 
was friends of the Taylors ruined some of the evidence. He was 
only fired.  ..All charges dropped....... smdh 

*Why not Exhume the body ????  ..Get more DNA. 
  More girls are missing because of no good prosecutors.. 

Crystal Soles 
Brittanee Drexel 
Cyntha Mae Bullock 
others ..  

None of the above Criminals charged with any Hate Crimes .. smh  
Not One .. 

Comment by someone: These stories are the absolute worst things 
possibly done to a human being and they are just out having a 
life again?   

*Whites of Violent Crimes in the Southeast get little to No Justice ..   

This a only a small percentage of the victims ..    

 There are people God has in your life right now that need your healing. They need your love; they need your kindness. Be on the lookout. Live with the attitude, “Who can I bless today? Who can I help heal? Who can I push into their destiny?”


Friday, December 25, 2020

 “The peace you seek begins with you! When you consciously and consistently choose peace in your words and actions, more peace will appear in your life. Stop blaming everything and everyone outside of you. Make peace within your priority.” --

Jenni Young

RV that exploded in Nashville broadcast a message warning of imminent blast, police say Terrorist and Criminals never take off for Christmas. #terroristattack #terrorist Thank God for Police Officers ! Amen
RV that exploded in Nashville broadcast a message warning of imminent blast, police say
Police said three people were taken to the hospital, none in critical condition.


 Merry Christmas Guys  

Thursday, December 24, 2020

 In a world where you can be anything, be EVERYTHING that you are...choose that, to understand the dark while operating in the light. To take no crap, but do no harm....Choose to chase that dream(s)...because if you let em kill it, it will only then haunt you.



May the arrival of the Child Jesus Bless and cherish all homes. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

More Crime and others stories at below Link: 


Pray everyone has a Merry Christmas 

 " Baby lets write a love Song  .. " 


 Unbelievable. This is what is included in this Bill. We are always helping other countries what about our country, this should go to the American people.

"For example, among the more than 5,500 pages in this bill — which nobody in Congress has read because of its length and complexity — It’s called the COVID relief bill, But it has almost nothing to do with COVID. This bill contains $85.5 Million for assistance to Cambodia. $143 million to Burma. $1.3 Billion for Egypt and the Egyptian military, which will go out and buy almost exclusively Russian military tanks.
$25 million for democracy and gender programs in Pakistan,"

Gender programs in Pakistan ???? WTH is that .. Muslims will cut
your head off if you gay or not sure you a boy or girl. Islam will
decide it for you. They don't play over there. You will be
beheaded as the Quran says to do ..

Give the money to Americans .... For the Love of God ....

Told ya them Dems are crazy. Stand by .. Next 4 years no jobs,
high unemployment, mark my words. Dems destroy everything
they touch.

Trump already said to Amend it. Instead of only $ 600 Trump
said give every American $ 2000.00. That's why I ride with him.

He created Millions of Jobs.. smh