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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Judge Dennis refer to the Department of Corrections for any behavior or time served credits that could shave Moorer's sentence down ..

Judge Dennis refer to the Department of Corrections for any behavior or time served credits that could shave Moorer's sentence down .. 

This is Exactly what Worries Me .. 

85 percent of 30 years =  25.5 years

The Cowardly Judge said, "Concurrent." 
Meaning all time runs together, at the same time. 

If SCDC gives him time served for the new charges,

Sidney Moorer may only do 23 years from now .. smh 

raying he does all 25.5 years starting 09-18-2019 

Dennis the Menace is a Clown .. 

When he said Concurrent, that worries me, and leave it up to the prison to decide time served. The judge usually sets that. Time served or no time served. Judge did it all wrong …

Judge should have said, "The Kidnapping charges start today, No credit for 

Jail time already served." -  Bow Tie Idiot ..  

All Judges say either the defendant get's jail time credit or not !! 

Since Dennis left the Door Open.  SCDC will decide ..  smh 


No Parole, he will walk out but have 5 years probation and because he was found guilty of Kidnapping,  - Must Register as a Sex Offender. ( Tammy also ) 

All found guilty under the 85 percent Law have to do 5 years Probation 

@ Register as a Sex Offender. ( bet they don't know this ) 

( prayers they don't even get out ) 

Truth in Sentencing Law 1996 

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