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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Heather Elvis Case - Timeline of Dec. 18 th. Events. Heather Elvis was safe and sound at her apartment until Sidney and Tammy Moorer Lured her out ...

  • Here is the Timeline of The Dec. 18 th. events 
  •   ... Last Time Heather Elvis Was Seen or Heard From. 



           Tammy and Sidney Moorer

  • 1:35 am.. phone call from pay phone by Sidney to Heather.. call is 4:53 minutes

    1:44 Heather calls (person unidentified) who is in Florida at the time. And says Sidney just called and is leaving Tammy. Heather appears upset because she had been trying to get her life back on track after the affair and the harassment by Tammy. Heather is still at her home when she makes this call. The call lasts 2:20 minutes.

    2:29 Heather attempts to call the number Sidney called from which is a pay phone. Several times it does not appear anyone answered.

    3:16 am Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone with no response.

    3:17 am .. Heather calls Sidney's phone and has a 4:15 minutes conversation with Sidney. Heather is at her home at this point. Sidney is at his home which is approx. 3 miles from the boat landing. After this conversation, Heather gets into her car and drives directly to Peachtree Boat Landing. Sidney also denies this conversation until police confront him with Heather's phone record and then he says he did talk to her but it was just to tell her to quit calling and leave them alone. 

    3:38 am.. Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone. She has arrived at the boat landing at the time of this call. She attempts to call at 3:39, 3:39:46 and 3:41..

    Her phone data ends at that point. 3:41 am.

    3:36 am.. A private residence video surveillance captures a vehicle coming from the direction of Sidney's headed towards the boat landing. This camera is 1.7 miles from the Moorer's residence.

    3:39 am ... a business video surveillance a mile from the first camera closer to the landing captures this vehicle still proceeding in the direction of the boat landing.

    3:45 am.. same business video surveillance captures the vehicle coming from the boat landing headed towards the Moorer residence. The camera is approximately 1.2 miles from the landing.

    3:46 am the private residence video surveillance captures the vehicle headed from the boat landing to the Moorer residence.
Heather Elvis's Cell Phone has never been turned back on. It was apparently destroyed.
3:41 am all data stops.

Plotted - Planned - Kidnapped by the Moorer's.

Heather Elvis was Lured to Peachtree Boat Landing by the Moorers. On a false promise

that Sidney and her were getting back together ...

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