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Monday, June 24, 2019

Disturbing Details - Greenwood Police Report about an attempted abduction of a boy at an Upstate Walmart has revealed disturbing details about the case.

                                                           Donald Morrison

A Greenwood police incident report about an attempted abduction of a boy at an Upstate Walmart has revealed disturbing details about the case.
Greenwood police said the attempted abduction happened Friday at the store on Bypass 25 Northeast.
The incident report, released Monday, went into more detail on what the boy says happened in a bathroom there and what was found in the suspect’s car.
The incident report said a man was in the restroom when an 8-year-old boy went in.
The boy told officers the man asked him to “touch his private parts,” and when the boy said "no," the man offered him $5, according to the report.
The boy said the man then grabbed him from behind, wrapped both his arms around him and held him in place, the report said. The report said the boy said the man then touched his bottom.
When the boy told the man that he would tell him mother, the boy said the man left, according to the report.
Security video from the store was reviewed and showed the man, later identified as Donald Allen Morrison, 51, going into the bathroom moments before the child, the report said.
Donald Morrison
Greenwood Police

Donald Morrison

The report said video showed Morrison leaving the store. A description of his vehicle was given to authorities, who stopped the car at the intersection of Highway 72 and Highway 15, the report said.
Morrison admitted to being at the Walmart and said he gave a boy a “first bump” in the bathroom, the report said.
Morrison was arrested and charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct, kidnapping and solicitation of a minor, according to the report.
The report said a night stick and a machete were found in the car. It said the bottom of the floor of the truck appeared “to be intentionally lined with additional carpet, towels and a padded metallic sun screen which appeared to be placed as bedding or a place for someone to lie,” the report said.
Morrison remains in jail as of Monday afternoon.

The report said Morrison has a criminal history that showed a prior conviction of second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor.

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