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Saturday, June 29, 2019

553,000. Americans homeless every night. 37,000. Homeless veterans in this country. 22 Trillion Current national debt. Please tell me why we should feed and house the rest of the world ... we can’t take care of our own.

  1. 553,000. Americans homeless every night. 37,000. Homeless veterans in this country. 22 Trillion. Current national debt. Please tell me why we should feed and house the rest of the world...we can’t take care of our own.
  2.  Mrs. Mack and Phil 🇺🇸 USA liked

You’ve spent enough energy on the past; that’s not taking you anywhere. Kiss the disappointment goodbye. You can’t embrace the new things God has in store as long as you’re holding on to the old.

You’ve spent enough energy on the past; that’s not taking you anywhere. Kiss the disappointment goodbye. You can’t embrace the new things God has in store as long as you’re holding on to the old.

AMEN .......

Man who grabbed 16-year-old on North Myrtle Beach shore arrested, charged with sexual assault. Derby C. Sykes

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - Police have arrested a man they believe touched a teenager inappropriately along the North Myrtle Beach shores.
Officials say 32-year-old Derby C. Sykes of Bladenboro, North Carolina for Criminal Sexual Conduct, Third Degree in connection to the incident. He currently has no bond.

On June 28 NMB detectives arrested Derby C. Sykes (32) of Bladenboro, NC for Criminal Sexual Conduct Third Degree. On June 25 he allegedly assaulted a young female swimming in the ocean in the late evening hours near 4th Avenue North.

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Police say Sykes made contact with a 16-year-old female who was swimming at the beach in the late evening hours near 4th Avenue North. Sykes allegedly grabbed the victim and sexually assaulted her before fleeing south along the beach.
During an investigation detectives obtained an image of Sykes from a surveillance camera located at an adjacent business. The report continues, alleging the victim positively identified Sykes as the suspect. He was taken into custody on June 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Teen Out on Bond Kill's another Teen. smh. Why was he out on Bond ?? Another reason to stay in School and not be a Gangsta ... js

An 18-year-old out on bond is accused of shooting and killing a teen Thursday inside an Anderson convenience store, according to Anderson police.
Jerzie Unique Dejohnz Smith, 19, of Anderson, was shot inside the Stop-A-Minit store on East River Street, police said.
Deadly shooting at Anderson County convenience store
WYFF News 4
Deadly shooting at Shop-A-Minit in Anderson 
Smith was from Iva and was shot twice in the chest, Police Chief Jim Stewart said.
Witnesses at the scene said two men got into an argument while in line at the store and one man shot the other.
Christopher Armstrong, 18, is charged with murder in the case. He was in court Friday morning where a judge said he was out on bond.
Christopher Armstrong
Christopher Armstrong
A SLED arrest record shows Armstrong was arrested on June 6 and charged with unlawful carry and possession of MDMA/Ecstacy. He bonded out of jail for those charges on June 17, records show.
Video below: Armstrong in court Friday

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

OBama saying Illegal Immigration Must be Stopped ... Wait is that Donald Trump speaking ?... HECK NO ! That’s Obama!!!!! Yup hear it right here for yourselves folks ! TRUMP 2020

Wait is that speaking ?... HECK NO! That’s Obama!!!!! Yup hear it right here for yourselves folks!

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