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Monday, April 8, 2019

So sad ... So young ... At the end of the day this is still someone’s child, sibling, friend or loved one. Blaming anyone is not going to bring them back. I’ll be thinking of their families and friends during this time.


A Citadel cadet was among two people who were killed early Sunday morning in a crash in Mount Pleasant.
Cadet Keith Shemm, 19, was a freshman at the downtown Charleston school. Elizabeth Daniel, 18, of Mount Pleasant was also killed in the crash, according to Charleston County deputy coroner Anita Hasert. Daniel was a student at Wando High School, according to Charleston County School District spokesman Andy Pruitt.

If you haven't heard, the fatal accident last night was Prom related. My sons friend was with them earlier and just before they left. The kids knew it wasn't good for them to leave but couldn't stop them. Love your children, and let them know that it is ALWAYS ok to call you for a ride no matter what. Life is too important to get upset bout drinking or a joint. Please-kids need love.

  • Alicia Bee In DC area, they go after parents since 1980s

  • Andrea Loftis Aymond I chaperoned a prom house a few years back for my daughter. We had parental release forms signed etc stating that we weren’t at all responsible or would be held responsible. Luckily all my kids stayed put for the weekend but I can attest to the fact thSee More

    • Melissa Green Andrea Loftis Aymond exactly, and the truth is, many of these kids will be going off to college in a few months with no chaperones. This is horrible and tragic but not a time to play the blame game.

    • Renee Rector Suggs Andrea Loftis Aymond if you knew they had alcohol and allowed them to drink you are guilty. Our kids are not our friends! If they want to drink that’s fine, but adults should not allow it to happen on their watch!

  • Sheila Powell So sorry to hear this

  • Leslie D. Rutledge So very tragic!

  • Mandy Thomas Joe Mina my daughter tried repeatedly to hide the car keys and begged them not to go. This friend group has experienced so much loss over the last year.

    • Joe Mina Mandy Thomas like adults in similar situations. The other kids acted very responsibly but of course they blame themselves. Im proud of their attempts to be responsible no matter what poor choices preceded those attempts. If any child or adult ever needs it I will go out of my way to help if I can stop one more poor choice from becoming a tragedy.

    • Renee Rector Suggs Mandy Thomas I’m so sorry for your daughter.

  • Lindsey Barr At the end of the day this is still someone’s child, sibling, friend or loved one. Blaming anyone is not going to bring them back.. I’ll be thinking of their families and friends during this time 💗

  • Paula Craig Praying for everyone

  • Ben Graham When I was 19 my best friend gave me a ride home from a party. He ran into a tree and died in his way home.

    • Joe Mina Ben Graham unfortunately we all have these stories. The older you get the more you see. All we can do is look out for our fellow people and help where we can and love all of them.

    • J.b. Wyndham Ben Graham Sadly I remember that..

  • Barbara Brightwell Smith I am so sorry to hear this news. I was afraid it might be prom related

  • Kim Short Rioux In the state my boys went to prom , the prom was held in whole school decorated by parents . The school is transformed! NO alcohol and locked in till it’s over You leave and you dont get back in. Casino for prizes like for dorm rooms etc Maybe Mount Pleasant needs to find a new way to celebrate

    • Kenya Raybon Kim the problem isn't usually what happens at the actual prom.

    • Branwen Stenger There are after parties usually, it's not at the prom that these things happen.

  • Hannah McCleskey I’m sorry Joe.

  • Shannon Eibs Leto So terribly heart breaking! I have 3 children in their early 20’s... every one of them has the Uber App on their phone with MY Credit Card #. I have told them I NEVER want them in a position where they are trying to decide if they should drive/get in See More

  • MaryChris Delcioppo Heart broken for the families and the kids. Praying for them all

  • Dorcas Rhodes Damnit. I was praying it was not prom related! Heart breaking

  • Randy Stockman My prayers are with the families

  • Josie Sizemore Bates I’m so sorry and heartbroken to hear this. 😔

  • Leighton Glenn My son said he saw a herd of about 6 deer crossing Rifle Range a short time before the vehicle was found in that same area of Rifle Range. There is a high probability deer contributed to the reason the vehicle left the road...

    • Melissa Grosso Leighton Glenn I travel that area almost nightly and see deer all the time 😕

    • Beth Hamlin-Brown Yes, there are multiple herds that live there and now that the Palmetto Fort area is being cleared and developed, they have even less space

  • Laura Mitchell Hunt I am so glad he didnt ride with them! I am hannah’s mom sorry about the accident

  • Darlene Human Briggs May I ask their names.

  • Marlie Brooke Hello everyone, I’m a reporter with Live 5 and I’m doing a story on this accident today. If you guys are willing to talk or know someone who is, I would love to interview a couple people that knew one or both of the kids so that the story is done right with people that knew them. Please message me if you’re willing! Thank you, and I’m so sorry for this community’s loss.

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The accident occurred in the 2600 block of Rifle Range Road near Hamlin Road, according to the Awendaw-McClellanville Fire District.

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