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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Problem is not guns. It's Hearts without God. Homes without discipline. Schools without prayer and Courtrooms without Justice. .. Tell it Clint !

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Hate No One ... Forgive and Forgive Yourself ... Amen


Rapist gets No Prison Time ???? Just wrong ... Dead Wrong Judge. Had to be money involved ... Bull ...

WATERTOWN, New York — A judge handed down 10 years' probation last week to a former New York school bus driver after he admitted to raping a 14-year-old girl.
Shane Piche, 26, will be registered as a Level 1 sex offender, according to the Waterford Daily Times. The judge reportedly said because he had no prior arrests and there was one victim, the sentence was appropriate.

Level 1 is considered the lowest risk level out of three, and Piche will not be included in online sex offender databases.
He pleaded guilty in February to raping a 14-year-old girl who he met through his job as a bus driver with the city's school district, the newspaper reports. 
Piche also was charged with unlawfully dealing with a child and endangering the welfare of a child after he allegedly gave the girl alcohol.
The Times reports Piche is required to pay $375 in court fees and surcharges, plus a $1,000 special sex offender registration fee.

                             Rapist Thug Shane Piche  

Monday, April 29, 2019

No such thing as White Privilege. Jussie Smollett Fakes a Hate Crime and Charges Dropped ?? Flat out Lied on White people.

The FBI need to Charge the Hold out Witnesses in The Brittanee Drexel Case with Obstruction of Justice. They will Talk Then ...

The FBI need to Charge the Hold out Witnesses in The Brittanee Drexel Case with 

Obstruction of Justice. They will Talk Then ... 

Come on FBI 

Department of Justice should help also 

US Attorney General Office to 

John Ludwig Back in Trouble With the Law ... I wonder if Judge James Williams Jr. will come out of Retirement "Again" and give Ludwig No Prison Time again ??

A Greenville businessman who has been arrested multiple times and who pleaded guilty to reckless homicide after crashing his Maserati into a home in 2009, killing a man who was sitting on his couch, has been arrested again, according to a Spartanburg police report.
(Archive video above: Ludwig identified as driver in fatal crash)
John Ludwig, whose Maserati slammed through the back wall of Bill Bardsley’s home, killing the 62-year-old man, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of unlawful communication.
Police said they were called April 3 by attorney William Rhodes, of the Burts, Turner and Rhodes Law Firm. Rhodes said he had drafted a non-compete agreement for a client that was mailed to Ludwig regarding an employee that Ludwig had hired in March.
Rhodes said he had been corresponding with Ludwig via email for about two weeks about the fact that the employee should not have been hired because of the non-compete agreement. Rhodes said he had a “very professional” phone conversation with Ludwig and he didn’t foresee any problems in dealing with him.
Rhodes said he emailed Ludwig and told him that employing the person he hired would go against the non-compete agreement and there would be legal ramifications. He said Ludwig responded to the email saying he felt Rhodes was making a threat. Rhodes said he explained to Ludwig that there would be legal liability for going against the agreement, and he said Ludwig responded that he felt Rhodes was calling him a liar.
Rhodes said Ludwig then called him and “solely to curse him out,” and that during the conversation, Ludwig said he was “going to beat the ____ out of him” and after he did, Rhodes could "go file assault charges."
Rhodes said he had looked up Ludwig’s background, and because of three prior charges against Ludwig, he believed the threat.
Police verified that Ludwig had called Rhodes twice.
Ludwig was arrested April 24 on an unlawful communication charge. The arrest warrant said Ludwig used a phone call to “coerce, intimidate or harass” Rhodes.
Ludwig was booked into the Spartanburg County Detention Center briefly before he was released.
John Ludwig
Spartanburg County Detention Center

John Ludwig, April 2019 arrest
Ludwig is known in the Upstate as a successful and resilient 
businessman.   ...  Bull  ...
*He's also known for Beating his Ex Wife and her BF.
Locked up several times and walks. Beat his EX
several times.Only one Judge gave him time.
1 year If I remember correctly.
However walked after going over 100 MPH Drag Racing
someone else on a Public road. Goes completely through
the house Killing the homeowner. 
Never did any Prison time for killing someone  ??

Bull  ... 
Shortly after he graduated from Furman, Ludwig started working in BSA sales in 1995. BSA provides business development, outsourced sales and other marketing services to technology product vendors. In 2001, BSA was sold to Synnex. That same year, Ludwig started SDI Networks, a technology provider that grew to seven offices in four southeastern states. He sold SDI Networks in 2009. Ludwig currently owns EverConvert, a digital marketing company.

Ludwig also has a lengthy criminal history in the Upstate.



In the past 2 Weeks 4 Shootings in North Charleston all 4 Died. N. Chas. already a lot like Chicago, LA, Baltimore, ect.

One man is dead after North Charleston police said he was shot inside a residence Sunday night.
North Charleston Police Department spokesman Spencer Pryor said officers responded just before 11 a.m. to a Nibbs Lane home for a reported shooting. There, on the kitchen floor, authorities found a man who has not been publicly identified. He had been shot multiple times.
The man was pronounced dead on the scene.
Pryor said the man received a phone call in the moments before he was shot and went downstairs to meet someone at the back door at which point gunfire rang out. An individual police described as a male wearing a black hoodie was seen by witnesses running from the area, he added. 
Sunday’s shooting was the city’s fourth recorded homicide in April and seventh this year, according to a Post and Courier database.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

God Bless This Black Man ! Tells the truth ...

This man is 100% Right
You can reach anything if you decide to free your mind.
God bless you man!


Hallelujah brother that was an Awesome story thank you for sharing !!

Blacks Attacking Whites ! Rarely makes the News ... Sad ... One America. People Did Not Attack OBama Supporters however they beat the heck out of Trump Supporters ... SMH ... Some Democrats and Violent Blacks is Bull !

Sad World when you can't Vote for who you like. 

5 blacks on one old white dude ?? BS ...

Should be Charged with Attempted Murder. Dragged him

by his own car which they stole. smh

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Five-time Deported Illegal Alien Arrested and Charged with kicking a four-month-old baby to Death after learning the child was not his. WTH .. Build a Real Border Wall. Should of had One Built Since 9/11 ..

I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

smh Great job Democrats .. Idiots

Five-time deported illegal alien arrested and charged with kicking a four-month-old baby to death after learning the child was not his.

Carlos Zuniga-Aviles, a 33-year-old illegal alien from Honduras, who has been using the alias “Jose Avila-Agurcia” while in the United States, was charged with murder this week after he allegedly kicked four-month-old Alexander Lizondro-Chacon to death on April 12.
According to police, Zuniga-Aviles became enraged with the baby’s mother, Mercy Lizondro-Chacon, after learning that he was not the child’s father. That’s when Zuniga-Aviles struck Alexander multiple times until he was unresponsive, police said.

Between February 2010 and December 2016, Zuniga-Aviles was deported five times out of Louisiana, Arizona, and Texas and returned to his native Honduras. Sometime after his last deportation, the illegal alien arrived back in the U.S.
The alleged murder occurred in Shelby County, a sanctuary city that has failed to turn illegal aliens over to ICE for deportation since last year. Months ago, Shelby County Attorney Marlinee Clark Iverson’s office told local media that the county would not obey a state law that sought to ban sanctuary cities across Tennessee.
The baby’s murder at the alleged hands of an illegal alien is just the latest case of illegal aliens accused of murdering Americans in Tennessee. Most recently in Knoxville, Tennessee, 52-year-old Debbie Burgess was allegedly killed in a hit-and-run accident caused by illegal alien Juan Francisco.
Late last year, also in Knoxville, 22-year-old Pierce Corcoran was killed in a car crash allegedly caused by illegal alien Francisco Eduardo Franco-Cambrany. Charges for Corcoran’s killing were dropped against Francisco-Cambrany, and he was subsequently deported without being convicted.

Friday, April 26, 2019

FBI Investigating New Leads in Brittanee Drexel Case .. About time .. Come on Already ..

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The FBI confirmed Friday it’s investigating a possible new lead in the disappearance of Brittanee Drexel.
Drexel went missing from Myrtle Beach during spring break in April 2009 and is presumed murdered.

FBI spokesman Don Wood said the agency recently checked out some property and an abandoned trailer on Camp Avenue in Jacksonboro in Colleton County.

The FBI’s interest in the property came after jail informant Taquan Brown reportedly told investigators he witnessed Drexel being killed in Jacksonboro and that some of her remains were buried there.
Brown’s deceased uncle owns the property and trailer.
On Friday, Brittanee Drexel’s mom went to the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office to ask them to help the FBI search the property.
“My thoughts on it, something needs to be done right away. We can’t wait,” Pleckan said after the meeting. “We just marked Brittanee’s ten year anniversary so someone needs to get out there right away.”
Brown reportedly told the FBI Drexel was initially held at a stash house near McClellanville in Charleston County.
Pleckan says it’s possible he could be telling the truth that she was moved to Jacksonboro.

Dawn Drexel said,  ( Pleckan ) 
“They could have very possibly taken her out if that area because we were down there searching at that point and they didn’t want her to be seen. This is way off the beaten track,” Pleckan said. “I’m hoping for a break in the case. I’m tired, I’m very tired but I’m also very frustrated and I want my daughter found."

Poor woman !  Way past sad that it's taken this long for justice  .... 

Hate no one, no matter how much they've wronged you ... Live Humbly ...


Brittanee Drexel New Information by the FBI & News 10

April 25, 2019 11:46 PM
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WHEC) -- News10NBC is bringing you exclusive new information in the search for Brittanee Drexel but could it lead to new answers?
It comes a decade after the Chili teen vanished while on spring break. 
As the family gets ready to mark 10 years since Drexel's disappearance, News10NBC has information about the case that took us to a secluded property in a small town more than 100 miles away from here, which we can confirm was searched just last week by the FBI. 
This now-abandoned trailer is where Drexel spent her final days. That is the claim from jailhouse informant Taquan Brown who is identified as an eyewitness by the FBI. The trailer belonged to Brown's uncle, Herman, and sits on a four-acre overgrown lot 130 miles away from where Drexel was vacationing in Myrtle Beach.
Taquan Brown: "I don't know what you all know, but Drexel wasn't killed in the stash house. She was killed in Jacksonboro." 
But how did she end up in rural Jacksonboro, South Carolina? That's a story Brown has been sharing with News10NBC exclusively during more than a dozen phone calls from prison which we first broadcast with his permission in February.
News10NBC's Brett Davidsen: "As you know, we've been speaking with Taquan Brown pretty frequently on the phone and he says that Brittanee was killed in Jacksonboro, that she was held there, that she was killed there and that she was ultimately buried there for a period of time. Is that an important piece of information to you and do you believe him when he says that?" 
FBI agent Don Wood: "That's a piece of information. As with all pieces of information we gather in this case, we're assessing, looking into, evaluating."
But News10NBC has confirmed that the FBI was at the property just last week searching the grounds for clues.
Davidsen: "Since our last investigation into this, a couple of months ago, we know that you've been to that location in Jacksonboro. Did anything come from that search?" 
Wood: "I really can't offer, again, specific details, but we are making progress. We're taking steps, steps lead to other steps, and we're going in the right direction anyway."
The FBI first became aware of Brown in 2016 when he provided to them what he says was his first-hand account.
Brown says he first saw Drexel at this stash house in McClellanville, South Carolina, about 75 miles south of Myrtle Beach in April 2009, two days after she disappeared.
Taquan Brown: "On this Monday, April 27, I saw the girl..."
Davidsen: "In the stash house?" 
Brown: "Yeah, there was about 8-12 guys in there." 
Brown says Drexel had a black eye and was being sexually assaulted. He says he saw her one other time in McClellanville but was surprised a few days later to find her in his cousin Herman's trailer in Jacksonboro. He says she appeared to be drugged.
Brown: "She was sitting in his house in a recliner and she still had the black eye."
As for Drexel's death, Brown says he and a friend witnessed it while walking to Herman's house in late May 2009.
Brown says he saw a group of men with Drexel outside including a man he only identified as "Nate."
Brown: "Nate shot her with a double-barrel shotgun two times."
Brown says they turned around and left so as not to be implicated but claims he knows what they did with her body.
Brown: "After she was killed, some of her remains were buried in a garden area and after some time went by, they removed it from the garden area."
Brown says he was there when her remains were dug up. He says some of them were taken to a gator-infested pond, others placed in a stolen RV and taken to a scrapyard.
News10NBC has confirmed through police reports that a neighbor's RV was stolen around that time period.
Davidsen: "Hypothetically, if she were to have been buried in a place 10 years ago and then the body removed, would it be still conceivable that you could find DNA evidence from a scene like that?"
Wood: "It's conceivable."
So is Taquan Brown to be believed?
In 2016, the FBI said it had witnesses that would back up Brown's account of what happened.
But that was before we first reported about the Jacksonboro, South Carolina, property in February.
Davidsen: "Do you know why that location wasn't searched sooner?" 
Wood: "Probably just a matter of knowledge."
But Brown says he tried to alert authorities to the Jacksonboro site in 2016. His cousin Herman died of a heart attack the same year. Now, his property, which has remained vacant since his death, could provide important answers although agents remain guarded in their optimism after a preliminary search of the property.
Davidsen: "How important now is Jacksonboro to your investigation?" 
Wood: "That remains to be seen."
Brown told News10NBC that he has taken, and passed, a polygraph. The FBI would neither confirm nor deny that.