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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Tammy Moorer Trial ... One more thing ... Mother in Law

Remember this, Tammy's own Mother In Law Testified for the State. 

The Jury saw and heard this. Plus the Cousin. 

I believe she had a lot more to say. However, what she did tell us was 

how out the blue Sidney and Tammy showing up at 10 pm for Christmas

Eve for the First Time Ever. How Tammy talked about kicking SM butt 

for Cheating on her. And the new Tat ...  Tammy's name. Front and center. 

Someone else wrote and I concur .. 

 The real Mrs Moorer testimony was how her son and tammy showed up unannounced at 10pm and tammy made him tell his parents about the affair and how she beat him up and made him get the tattoo. How she kept him alienated from his family and she had only seen him by himself 1 time in 20 years.

 Her cousin testified to a pic he saw of Heather Elvis not able to move nor walk. ( dead ) He said Sidney showed it to him. One criminal showing another criminal pics to boost, brag, ect. He is very uneducated man and usings drugs like Sidney does. When the Defense said was he guilty of Perjury, " He said Yes." Not knowing perjury means you're lying. Again not an educated person at all.  Yes he was believable.

 On Closing Arguments Nancy will Shine ...  

Thank you  

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