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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tammy Moorer Bond Hearing 4 years Ago. Motive ... Threats ... Video ...


Wednesday, March 19, 2014 

// Heather Elvis Murderer's Bond Hearing Was A Mini Trial // Tammy Moorer Actually Kept Sidney Moorer Handcuffed To The Bed At Night //

  Lead Prosecutor, Donna Elder, Horry County, SC - Showed the Court the Facebook posting written by Tammy Moorer. ( you can see them on our older post ) Elder Told the Court that Heather Elvis and Sidney Moorer cared for one another from June 2013 until late Oct. 2013. The relationship ended when TM the, Self-Proclaimed, Swinging Wife found out. 

Here in after: TM = Tammy Moorer // SM = Sidney Moorer // HE = Heather Elvis // LE = Law Enforcement // AC = Ashley C

           Sidney and Tammy Moorer At Yesterdays Bond Hearing 

TM called HE - 90 plus times and even Sent Her Pictures of Her and SM having Sex in different positions. While in a Vehicle. It was Revealed that TM went to HE Manager and tried to get her fired. It became known that HE was very Fearful of TM.

Nov. 2013- TM sat on her bed with gun to her head and threatened to blow her own brains out and Sidneys too. After this incident, SM, TM, and their 3 children went on a cross country road trip to California and Nevada for 23 days. SM and HE did not have any contact after 11/05/2013. ... That's Until ...

 12/18/13 at 1:35am, SM called HE from a 10th Ave payphone. They talked for 4 min 43 sec. HE had just come in from a date. HE was at her home. When she got off phone with SM, she called Bri (friend) who was in Florida at the time. HE told her friend that SM had just called her and said he was leaving TM and SM wanted to resume there relationship. HE appeared to be upset because she was trying to get her life back on track after the affair with SM and the harassment from TM. This called lasted 2 min 20 sec. HE remained at her home for now.

@2:29 am - HE attempted to call the # SM called her from (the payphone) several times. It does not appear anyone answered.

@3:16 am - HE calls SM's Cell Phone, no answer.

@3:17 am - HE calls SM, has 4 min 15 sec conversation. 

Heather Elvis, HE, was Lured to Peachtree Boat Landing. A Trap.

Then HE left immediately. HE then drives directly to PTL. ( Peachtree Boat Landing ) This is verified by HE's Cell Phone backing up to Google account and Cell Phone Co.

HE arrived at PTL @ 3:38 am, also

HE then attempted to call SM's phone from PTL. @ 3:38, 3:39, 3:39.46. am 

@3:41am All Phone Data Ends. Nothing ... 

SM Phone Pinged @ his home, 3miles away from PTL.

Between 3:36 am Thru 3:46 am, a Personal AND a Business Surveillance Camera Recorded Moorer Ford Truck travel to PTL from their home and then from PTL back to their home speeding back. ( FBI helped with these Video's )

@4:00, HCPD did routine patrol of PTL. HE's car was there and was noted to be locked. 
 HE's keys, purse, and phone were gone. No evidence of unusual activity.  

 ( If that Horry Co. Police Ofc. had been 15 to 18 mins., sooner Heather might still be with us. In no way blaming the Police. )

 Lead Prosecutor Elder finished by saying," on 12/18/13 - $5,000.00 withdrawn from bank according to the TM @ SM Financial Records." The Defense Attorney blew a gasket over this alleged Evidence. Judge said move along. This isn't a trial but only a Bond Hearing.


TM Obsessed with HE family. LE found pics of HE family on TM's computer. A Journal was also found w/ Birthdates, Addresses, Anniversaries, Schools of HE family. 

TM also Obsessed with getting back at HE. Crazy ..

Moorer's have Florida ID's and SC ID's

01/11/14 - 01/17/14 Moorer's tried to purchase a lot near Orlando, FL.
Also Talk of Moorers wanting to move to Belize or Canada

Conversation between SM and TM's sister, AC 01/14:
SM: Asked AC what to do about TM's behavior
AC: She needs to sober up.

SM: Yes, she does. 

TM loved to drink and party. From her old days hanging out with bands.

 When TM found out about SM's Affair with HE she did the following according to the Prosecution :

TM would not let SM out of her sight. She even went to work with SM. TM made SM Sign an Agreement stating that he would Sleep HANDCUFFED to the Bed, This so he couldn't leave while she slept. SM was only allowed to use a phone in front of TM. Passcodes placed on phones. 

TM is one Deranged Person .. 

Tammy Moorer Threatening Heather Elvis

* Evidence Presented a Few Years Ago at Tammy Moorer Bond Hearing  

 Texts that #TammyMoorer apparently sent to Heather Elvis :


Tammy To Heather : someone's about to get their ass beat down...your bitch is 

about to take his last breath.. you can tell me who you are right now or i will 

find out another way.. that way won't have a great turn out for you..i'm giving 

you one last chance to answer before we meet in person.. only one.

Tammy To Heather : I've been having Sidney followed since January 2012. It's 

best you call back and speak to me to save yourself. Hey sweetie you ready to 

meet the MRS?

Heather Responded : I think you are a little obsessed with me. I'm nobody you 

need to worry about anymore.

Tammy To Heather : By the way dad no longer owns a phone

Who The Heck Handcuffs Someone To a bed ?? For 6 Months ?? Tammy and Sidney Moorer. Heather Elvis Case. They Hurt That Poor Girl ..

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

// Sidney Moorer Claims he was Handcuffed to a Bed the Night Heather Elvis Disappeared // ?? // Both Sidney @Tammy Moorer Hiding Things //

Sidney Moorer claims he was handcuffed to a bed the night Heather Elvis disappeared

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – In an Horry County courtroom Monday morning, it was revealed that Sidney Moorer, the man accused of kidnapping Heather Elvis, told police he was handcuffed to a bed the night Elvis went missing.
Elvis has been missing since 2013. She was 20-years-old at the time of her disappearance, and even though her body hasn’t been found, police presume she is dead.
Sidney Moorer and his wife Tammy Moorer were both scheduled to be in court Monday. The couple appeared unfazed by the room full of cameras as they smiled and whispered to each other before court began.
In the courtroom, audio recording of an interview with Sidney Moorer and police revealed new details about where Moorer was the night Elvis went missing. The state and prosecution went back and forth about interviews Moorer was given when he was being questioned by police about whether or not he should have been read his Miranda rights.

One of the interviews was played during Sidney Moorer’s motion hearing, and in it, Moorer is asked where he was the night Elvis disappeared and what he thought happened to her, revealing information that was never brought up in Moorer’s kidnapping trial.
In a courtroom with his wife and children present, Moorer listened to an interview he gave police after Elvis disappeared.
“Ever since me and Heather ended our relationship, well I ended it, ever since that was ended, my wife found out and all that went on, my wife goes to work with me,” Moorer’s voice could be heard saying on the audio recording.
In the interview, Moorer talked about trying to repair trust issues with his wife because she found out he and Elvis were having an affair. He explained to police that his wife kept his cell phone and only gave it to him when he needed to make calls. Moorer adds during the interview that the night Elvis went missing, he wasn’t able to leave his house.
“The trust issue is big,” begins Moorer. “When I go to sleep, I’m handcuffed to the bed. [Tammy’s] the only one with a key.”
“She handcuffs you?” questions the detective.
“That was our agreement for six months,” responds Moorer.
In the interview, police asked Moorer what he thought was going on with Elvis and where she was.
“To be honest, I don’t know,” replies Moorer.
Moorer told police he knew she had a history with leaving and offered information about recent trip she took to North Carolina where she left, turned her phone off, and didn’t tell anyone where she was going.
“I remember somebody asking at Tilted Kilt (Elvis’ employer), ‘Have you seen her or heard from her?’” recalls Moorer. “And I told them, ‘No, I haven’t heard anything from her. Why?’ They were like, ‘Nobody can get in touch with her and her parents are looking for her now.’”
Moorer’s hearing Monday was for motions filed by his attorney to suppress evidence during his upcoming trial. The judge did not make a decision on the motions, nor did he give an expected date for that decision.
Moorer’s attorney did withdraw the motion to sever his two charges of kidnapping and obstruction of justice.
Tammy Moorer’s hearing for obstruction of justice was conitued. A new date for that hearing has not been revealed.

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