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Sunday, October 7, 2018

// Nike // Facebook Posting // Real Talk // Kaepernick Out for Himself Only // Next He'll Make a Movie // IT'S THE MONEY RIGHT KAP !!! BUILDING UP YOUR CELEBRITY //


 The Nike commercial with Colin Kaepernick is a disappointment to me, just saw it for the first time. Great message in believe in yourself, but we're taught that in Elementary School. SMH. That's not the reason, or the Cause for us taking a knee! You can't get a job playing football or any sport no where bruh, but you still believe and promote Sports. So why take a knee against the injustice and police brutality faced in America today. But then you turn and make a commercial with Nike that trick kids into the dream. A dream where only a small percentage will achieve, "being a professional athlete." Why not be a great father, a great son, or just a great person in your community. How about goals thats achievable, like a Doctor, lawyer or teacher even ? Something that benefits the community, not a robot for these owners of professional teams. DON'T JUST WEAR THE JERSEY, WHY NOT PICTURE THE ATHLETE WEARING YOUR JERSEY" Bunch of Bullshit ! The real question is "Why that commercial didn't support the cause?" Think about it!!! That commercials didn't have one victim of police Injustice picture, or even a victim's family in the commercial. Just some Nike "Jus do it shit." So why do it, if you sacrifice your career over a righteous cause. You should've turn the Nike commercial down, if they're not speaking on the subject of "Injustice in Black American" THAT IS THE REASON WHY WE KNEE RIGHT???? BUT I SEE AND UNDERSTAND, ITS THE MONEY RIGHT KAP !!! BUILDING UP YOUR CELEBRITY. Next a TV SHOW, or Maybe a MOVIE ?? UNCLE TOM KAP ..  

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