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Monday, June 18, 2018

// Why is everything today the White Mans Fault ?? // Wait just a Minute // In World War 2 if it wasn't for White Men we'd all be speaking Either German or Japanese right now // Who fought the British and Won - White Man // This Narrative of Attacking any and all Whites is Silly ... // What happened ?? // OBama Blames Police for Shooting Criminals // That's what we pay them for - To protect us // From Gangs and Gangsters // Media have lost their mind // The Uneducated people of America attacking Hard Working Whites !? // Why // Because CNN Tell's Another Lie ??!! // Come On Man .. // Now - It's the Poor Illegals - What ?? They Broke The Law ... Mexico Has a Border Wall Between Them and Guatemala // When Mexico takes down there Wall we'll do the same .. //

OBama Deports more than 2 Million Illegals. Nothing is said ?? 

President Trump does the same thing and the News Media go crazy ?? 

Wait a minute ... OBama did it and you say nothing at all. However, 

Trump does the same thing and Oh My God  !!!?????  

Fake News .... Liberals .... Democrats .... Lies .... 

  1. Americans are free today because someone fought, bled or died in their place. Thank you to all who serve. 🇺🇸
  2.  Melissa A. and 4 others liked
    Why don’t the Democrats give us the votes to fix the world’s worst immigration laws? Where is the outcry for the killings and crime being caused by gangs and thugs, including MS-13, coming into our country illegally?

  1. Laura Bush's OP-ED SLAMS Trump Administration For Child Separation Policy Pres. Trump should just deport all illegals immediately, the entire families. Fingerprint them and send them packing to alleviate this separating stuff
  2.  Mike liked
    I just had an idea you guys. A great way to prevent border crossers and family separation would be to build a Wall


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