Upstate shining light John Ludwig in trouble *again*
The well known “reckless driver” who drove a Maserati through a Greenville County house, reportedly had numerous motor vehicle violations, andTIW prediction: Nothing will happen. Were Ludwig a poor unknown Greenville resident, his a$$ would have been buried under the jail years ago.A spokesperson for the state department of Probation, Pardon, and Parole said that charges such as this third degree assault charge ordinarily do not prompt the revocation of probation, but with John Ludwig’s colorful history, only a judge will be able to tell.
The latest charge against John Ludwig Jr. involves an incident at Barley’s Tap Room on West Washington Street in the City. A patron alleges that Ludwig made disruptive comments to a man and then spat in his face. One of the workers at the bar told media outlets that the pair had been arguing before the matter turned ugly.
Although the incident occurred on July 20, 2010, Ludwig was not arrested until August 1, when he turned himself into authorities. Ludwig was released on his on recognizance.
The John Ludwig Maserati incident gained widespread attention because of the long history Ludwig had of getting by with law violations with what many viewed as a slap on the wrist. Ludwig, with a net worth reportedly in the millions of dollars, was charged with murder by Solicitor Bob Arial, a pal of Ludwig attorney
The family of the victim, Frederic William Bardsley, received an infusion of cash from insurance money and – as some have speculated – possibly cash from Ludwig himself. After the transfer of capital, Bardlsey’s widow suddenly lost interest in the murder charge against Ludwig.
In the aftermath of Ludwig’s killing of Bardsley, the Upstate was shocked by what many perceived as the leniency and partiality of the [in]justice system. Because he was well connected and has a lot of money, many felt that Ludwig has a pattern of receiving radically special treatment that ordinary citizens would not be afforded.
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