Simple, they have A Lot To Hide. While our Brave Men were being
Murdered. Barack Hussein OBama could have cared less. For OBama
was Campaigning in Las Vegas, NV. He had to Win a Second Term !
At all Cost ! You see Power is a Great Thing. Especially for someone
who is Running For President of the USA. And who will take Campaign
Money from the Devil Himself ! So long as he Win's The Election.
A Few American Lives Being Lost would Not Stand in the Way of This
"Historic" Event. No Matter What ...
After Calling for Help Several Times and being in a Fire Fight for over
" 13 " Hours. The Brave Americans' were Over Run. OBama and his Advisors
knew they had to come up with a Cover Story and Fast !! And this they did.
For OBama and his Admin. had watched these Men Die on a Live
Feed from a PREDATOR DRONE !? And hadn't done a thing to save them.
( Sicily, Italy, has (2) Two U.S. Naval Air Stations, NAS, just an hour
flying time from Benghazi !? Still No Help was sent !? Even though
Navy Seals are stationed there. I saw a friend at one of these Bases back
in 1996. He was Stationed there and was a Navy Seal ! The Best of the
Best. It is a Forward Operating Base. Why wasn't these Navy Seals
sent in to Rescue these fine men ??!! Air Force C -17 Cargo Planes fly
in and out every single day. Navy Seals / Green Beret could Parachute
right in there and have saved these men. And / Or used the Helicopters
stationed there. As well as Italian assets available there too !! ?? )
Already working on a plan was his Admin. / Handlers. They planed to
Blame a Video for the Murders' was in the works. A Video making Fun
of Mohammed, The Fake Prophet ... Would work perfectly ...
OBama went on Campaigning even though he just allowed the
Murder of 4 Americans'. And one was a supposed friend ?
( so much for friendship )
" OBama and his Handlers' Never even gave the Military a Chance to Save
Our Men in Benghazi ?! ( why not ) He was Campaigning Remember ...
In Las Vegas, NV. Big Time Money Exchanging Hands Here People
In Sin City !! ( and $50,000 for a plate of food and hear Obama talk ? )
G. E. and General Dynamics Exe. in Town. $$ Billions are at stake ... "
OBama would probably have said,
" Who has the Time to Stop and Save Lives when I, OBama, am making
History! First Black President and going to Win My Second Term. America has
Plenty of White Boys to replace these Four. Come on man. It's my bad. No
worries. What, do you think the Media will say anything, No way. They Love
me. I have them Eating out of my hands. Did you see my Interview the other
Month at the White House ? Them reporters love me. I can say and do anything
and they Love me. Dumb Ass Crackers. Got a Joint friend ? Good, roll it up. "
( If you don't think OBama is a Racist / Bigot then you have Not Read
his Book. He talks about White Man did this and White Man did that.
What ?! He tells' of how Food is wasted on Cruises Ships and it's the
White Mans fault ?? Mr. OBama. I'm White and I've never been on a
Cruise Ship !! Can't afford it. BUT you Mr. OBama go to Hawaii like I
go to the Grocery Store !??! How many Millions $$$$ does that Cost
The American Tax Payers ?? Flying back and forth across the USA and
that Hugh Ocean out there called the Pacific Ocean !? HYPOCRITE ...
Millions wasted and Michelle bought herself a New Jacket for $ 7000.00
at Tax Payers Expense this past week ?!!? OBama is a Hypocrite and a
Lying Bigot. Sat in a Racist Church for 20 Years and said he heard No Hate
Speeches by Rev., Jackass, Wright. ?? Video Tape Proved OBama is in Fact
a Liar ... Then Later OBama call's Wright his Pastor of 20 Years,
' Like a Crazy Old Uncle We all Know of. ' - Foot in Mouth again. )
Some say OBama Handlers' / Admin. wanted the Ambassador killed. And they
certainly didn't won't him talking to the Press! For he had asked on Several Occasions
for more Security Personnel but was Denied ?! Even though 9/11 Anniversary was
approaching fast and they had Credible Threats ?!! Still No more Security was Sent!?
Hillary R. Clinton told Congress to kiss her ass the other day right on TV. Why
should she have to Answer for "4" dead Americans!?? It's not like she is the
Secretary of State. ( Oh wait, she is !! ) Hell they weren't her Son's. Why should
she care ?! She has more important things to do apparently. Like getting ready to
run for President in 2016. ... Excuse me ...
... And Why isn't "60 Minutes" looking into this ?? Perhaps even "Dateline NBC" ?!
... Congress wants to know, but not 60 Minutes !!?? Maybe ABC - 20/20 will look
into it ?! We can only Pray ... (( fat chance nbc dateline would do a story -
as they are Owned by G.E. who gave millions to obamas' campaign and got in return
billions' in defense contracts. $$$$. again, fat chance. ))
Ask yourself, "could you just sit there and watch our men being killed on live TV??
Most people would be screaming at the live feed. And calling up all Military Units
they could to help these guys out. I would be yelling like I was watching a Football
game. ( !! ) Those are our men ..."
Please Wake Up America,
Thank You
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