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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Facebook Renames itself "Meta" to emphasize its ‘metaverse’ WTH

*I guess 'Data Gathering' was too obvious. 

 We give life to whatever we speak out. If you start speaking negatively, agreeing with the doubt, talking about how big the problem is, then you’re giving life to the wrong things. Your words can keep you from your destiny.

Friday, October 29, 2021

There were times I've had just $3 to feed myself and nobody ever knew. I've also had $200 to go out to eat. I’ve had a house full of food and at times, I didn't have any. I’ve been in stores cashing out with no worries and I’ve also had to add up the items and decide what to put back on the shelf. I’ve paid my bills in full and I’ve given money away. Many times I was too ashamed and embarrassed to ask if I needed help.

We all have highs and lows in life. Some, certainly more than others, but we’re all just trying to make it.

No one is better than anyone else, and I pity those who think that they are. No matter how big your house is, how new your car is, or how much money sits in your bank account - we all bleed red and will die someday. Death has no discrimination and neither should your life. The people who pretend they love you so much will leave you standing alone in the storms just so they can shine...

Be kind to others.
We are all here to serve. 
Stop the power tripping.
Your over sized ego wont get you anywhere.
And know that not everyone has the same heart as you...  

Monday, October 25, 2021

 In order to pay the bills: rent, food, etc, one has to have money. It means that people refusing to take a job can afford not to work. Either from savings, or from parents or from the GOVERNMENT. Otherwise, they will be living on the streets. It is nice to know that entry level people can afford not to work.  

Great job Biden and Dems.. smdh .. 

 Jesse Kelly

It’s pretty gross that virtually all levels of government corruption are made possible because of the vast quantities of money they steal from the taxpayer.

#Facts Matter