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Sunday, August 15, 2021

My screen time was down 41% for the week. That’s what vacation does.

We all need to do more things that make us forget to check our phones.

The scripture says, “No one can take your joy.” That means you control your joy. Nothing can take it from you; you have to give it away.


Joel Osteen
The only one that can stop you is you. If you give up on your dreams, if you live bitter with no passion, thinking you’ve reached your limits, then you’ll get stuck where you are. You won’t see the beauty for ashes; you won’t see God pay you back for the unfair things.

Preach It !

Everybody get's knocked down. Get up, keep dreaming and Praying.

It worked for me and can work for you .. Amen


What’s come against you has not limited your future. When God restores, you’re going to go further. What the enemy meant for harm, God is turning to your advantage. Now, get rid of that defeated mindset. God sees everything that you’ve lost. He hasn’t forgotten about you.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The CDC needs to recommend that people stay the Hell out of the left lane if they’re going to drive the speed limit or under.