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Thursday, September 12, 2024

*BIG MISTAKE* CNN Catches Kamala Harris In Massive Lie ... Tragedy Strik...


He could have laid his head on the podium and slept through the debate.
Any American CITIZEN who lived and struggled through the past 4 years
of Biden/Harris incompetency and corruptness would STILL vote Trump.

I turned 67 on August 31st and lived through Carters administration as a
teenager. I remember my folks struggling with the bills, long gas lines and
a feeling of hopelessness. Now my husband and I are retired and its been
going downhill for us the past 3 years. It's worse than Carter could have ever
done. We won't survive 4 more years of this communist takeover. We are
voting early as Dan Bongino suggested because we expect the demoncrats
to pull something like 2020. Trump all the way!

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