Her father is Irish Jamaican and Hindu. Her mother is
full Indian. That doesn't equate to black.
In 2013 we lost our friend.. a Beautiful black young veteran of the Air Force who worked with us in our ER as a patient rep. He was shot in a covenience store by another young young black man. I was upset. I started talking about black on black crime. BUT im a white ER nurse .ive seen it for decades. I wrote evetyone i could think of news anchors, politicians no answers. Thank you for highlighting this! GOD bless you in Memory of Carl! RIP friend.
Michaelah Montgomery ROCKS !!! She's a verbal powerhouse, and makes Kamala Harris look slow and ignorant by comparison.
Dear Van - I am a 76 year old “white woman” that was so thrilled when we got a black president because I thought that would prove how far we had come. I am a conservative Christian but was still thrilled. Then the reality hit. Obama brought race relations to a new LOW not high. All of a sudden skin color was everything. Now, I know I am reading that I am not allowed to have my opinion because I am white. Well, screw that. I, of course, notice people’s color - BUT I do not care what color someone is if they are good people. How did we get to this? It is tearing our country apart. I will share your video and watch your videos because I feel you are doing good work. Please keep it up. People my age used to say they wished they were young - I now hear young people say they wish they were old. How sad. God bless you and keep you.

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