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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Trump Support Has SKY ROCKETED Again! Dr Umar's Message To Black People


Her father is Irish Jamaican and Hindu. Her mother is
full Indian. That doesn't equate to black.

In 2013 we lost our friend.. a Beautiful black young veteran of the Air Force who worked with us in our ER as a patient rep. He was shot in a covenience store by another young young black man. I was upset. I started talking about black on black crime. BUT im a white ER nurse .ive seen it for decades. I wrote evetyone i could think of news anchors, politicians no answers. Thank you for highlighting this! GOD bless you in Memory of Carl! RIP friend.

Michaelah Montgomery ROCKS !!! She's a verbal powerhouse, and makes Kamala Harris look slow and ignorant by comparison.

Dear Van - I am a 76 year old “white woman” that was so thrilled when we got a black president because I thought that would prove how far we had come. I am a conservative Christian but was still thrilled. Then the reality hit. Obama brought race relations to a new LOW not high. All of a sudden skin color was everything. Now, I know I am reading that I am not allowed to have my opinion because I am white. Well, screw that. I, of course, notice people’s color - BUT I do not care what color someone is if they are good people. How did we get to this? It is tearing our country apart. I will share your video and watch your videos because I feel you are doing good work. Please keep it up. People my age used to say they wished they were young - I now hear young people say they wish they were old. How sad. God bless you and keep you.

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