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Saturday, August 17, 2024


Even the Washington Post isn’t buying Vice President Kamala Harris’ plan to slap socialist price controls on groceries.

The longtime, left-leaning broadsheet — owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos — published a scathing editorial ripping the Democratic presidential nominee for claiming price gouging is causing inflation and, rather than offer a legit plan to fix it, offering only “populist gimmicks.”

With food prices surging more than 20% nationwide during the Biden-Harris administration, Harris, during a North Carolina rally earlier Friday, unveiled economic policies she’d enact during her first 100 days as president that include enforcing government price controls on groceries.  

Instead of “level[ing] with voters” and saying “inflation spiked in 2021 mainly because the pandemic snarled supply chains, and that the Federal Reserve’s policies, which the Biden-Harris administration supported, are working to slow it,” the veep “opted for a less forthright route: Blaming big business,” the newspaper wrote.

Kamala Harris has no idea what she's talking about nor how to fix the 

Economy.  Not a clue.  

No Experience. 

Border czar failure. 

Done nothing for this Country - except let Millions of 

Illegals into our Country.   smh 

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