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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kindness, respect for others, and for your 

own self, will get you far in life. 

( people remember )  ( choices ) 

Behavior is a mirror in which 

everyone shows his / her own image. 

Mass Shootings - However No News Coverage ??

 Year To Date

Shot & Killed: 360
Shot & Wounded: 1712
Total Shot: 2072
Total Homicides: 408

Year To Date
Shot & Killed: 360
Shot & Wounded: 1712
Total Shot: 2072
Total Homicides: 408

Where is the Media at on all the Black on Black Murders

in the Inner cities?? 

Where is BLM at on these inner cities Murders?? 

Where is Woke at on these blk on blk Murders?? 

Where is the outrage for all these 

Mass Shootings in the Inner cities?? 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

 Words of Wisdom.

Stop breaking the Law and no more problems.

#FactsMatter #FactsFirst #choices

Switching your mentality from "why is this happening to me" to "what is this trying to teach me" is a game changer. Focus always on the bright side.

We have a chance to address our most pressing issues - from ending wars and healing the divide to rooting out the poison in our food and in our politics. I believe we can become a People United in purpose. It’s time to root out the corruption once and for all, and Make America Healthy Again. MAGA #AmericaStrong 🇺🇸   

 Thank God for this day. Amen


 Take the limits off God and take the limits off yourself. Who says you can’t do something great, who says you can’t start your own business, who says you can’t get well? God is calling you to be a difference-maker, a barrier-breaker.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

We cannot Vote for a Woman that slept 

her way to the top. Ask Judge Joe Brown and others. 





 Slept with the Mayor of San Francisco to make AG.  

30 years older than her. Mayor Willie Brown. 

No class..  

 On her knees more than anything else. 

Never done anything Honest in her life. 

 How is she gonna deal with China and Russia?? 

Her knees are old and worn out..  Plain disgusting. 

Inflation is her and sleepy Joes fault.  - They signed the 

Bill that caused Inflation to soar.  Food prices, omg .. 

We can't afford her lame policies. 

Judge Brown tells all on Kamala Harris ....  

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Illegals, Food prices, Wars, Border Crisis, Inflation, etc., 

Terrorist walking right into America!! 

Come on now!!  

Democrats have nearly ruined America. 

Enough already. 

Many people agree. Millions agree. We have to 

give Trump another try. At least with him we are 

safer. Borders will be safer.   Illegals no more.  

NYC, Chicago, Texas, and many other States overwhelmed with 

Illegals.   Come on man.   Take care of Americans first.

'Don't Take My Word For It...': Trump Plays Clips Of Harris's Past State...


I'm so disgusted with the corporate media for
hiding who Kamala really is.

Bet you won't see this on CNN

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Umar Johnson EXPOSES Team Kamala Harris For PAYING Celebrities!


Obama's third term has been his worst.

Scamala Exposed once again.

If Trump did this, it would be all over the news!

Celebrities being paid to push Kamala Harris

BS onto Americans.

CNN DESTROYS Kamala Harris's COMMUNIST Plan To End Price-Gauging! She called it....


If she's gonna go after "bad actors", she should start with the
one in the mirror...

The fact that people cheered when she said "price gauging" instead
of "price gouging" proves that they have no idea what they're
cheering for.

Monday, August 19, 2024

 Why did AOC marry a white man?

Why did Ilhan Omar marry a white man? Why did Kamala Harris marry a white man? Why did Don Lemon marry a white man? They all claim that whites are the enemy but they
are all married to them ?!?!

What a bunch of Liars and Hypocrites.

Liberals and Dems full of it.

Now lets have Kamala 'Word Salad' Harris explain it to us all!!

Democrats / Media didn't mind this.  

Hypocrites .... 

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Even the Washington Post isn’t buying Vice President Kamala Harris’ plan to slap socialist price controls on groceries.

The longtime, left-leaning broadsheet — owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos — published a scathing editorial ripping the Democratic presidential nominee for claiming price gouging is causing inflation and, rather than offer a legit plan to fix it, offering only “populist gimmicks.”

With food prices surging more than 20% nationwide during the Biden-Harris administration, Harris, during a North Carolina rally earlier Friday, unveiled economic policies she’d enact during her first 100 days as president that include enforcing government price controls on groceries.  

Instead of “level[ing] with voters” and saying “inflation spiked in 2021 mainly because the pandemic snarled supply chains, and that the Federal Reserve’s policies, which the Biden-Harris administration supported, are working to slow it,” the veep “opted for a less forthright route: Blaming big business,” the newspaper wrote.

Kamala Harris has no idea what she's talking about nor how to fix the 

Economy.  Not a clue.  

No Experience. 

Border czar failure. 

Done nothing for this Country - except let Millions of 

Illegals into our Country.   smh 

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Harris is bad news for Americans just 

trying to make ends meet. 

Facts Matter .. 

Kamala was the deciding vote on the bills that caused 20% inflation. And this debilitating inflation does not discriminate. ALL AMERICANS are feeling the pain. Under Trump, we were prosperous. Under Biden-Harris, hardworking families are being left behind. WE DESERVE BETTER.

Byron Donalds

 The News last night said Inflation is down ?? 

Hold up, my grocery bills still says otherwise. 

So did the people they interviewed about bills, 

rent, food, etc., 


 The far left is lying to us again and the media 

bought it??   Come on now.. 

Where it at?? 

Lower Inflation?? 


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 Goodnight♥️sometimes we just need to be still to find what we need to hear. I pray you allow yourself the time to be still and trust in the Lord. Today is just another day that will be gone tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day for hope.

 Illegals, Food prices, Wars, Border Crisis, Inflation, etc., 

Terrorist walking right into America!! 


Democrats have nearly ruined America. 

Enough already. 

Many people agree. Millions agree. We have to 

give Trump another try. At least with him we are 

safer. Borders will be safer.   Illegals no more.  

NYC, Chicago, Texas, and many other States overwhelmed with 

Illegals.   Come on man.   Take care of Americans first.

 " Believe in yourself and others will too. " 

Black Callers STUN Charlamagne NOT VOTING For Kamala Harris


I LOVE hearing the black American voices calling in SAYING NO
MORE BLACK VOTE in exchange for corruption! I love to hear our

I’m born & raised in California. Tulsi was 100% correct.

It’s not about black and white, it’s about wrong and right.

Illegals, omg, food prices, gas prices, Trump all day

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Best of: Weird Crime, Volume 2

Good show. 

Great stories. 

This Crash is Why the Military Now Does Drug Testing

I just introduced my neighbor to your channel. He is 86 yrs old.
He flew F4 Phantoms in the 60s & early 70s. A true gentleman
and officer. I have the highest regards for you and he. Great video
Mr. Carroll. Keep up the good work!

The End of the Two-Pilot Cockpit?! Get Ready for Single-Pilot and No-Pilot

Unbelievable F-15QA Advanced Eagle Stuns Crowd at RIAT with Stunning Display

Has anyone seen Biden lately?? 

He he still with us?? 

 Austin Dillion Classless .. 

I’m an Earnhardt fan. This was wrong then and it’s sure as hell wrong when you dump two cars. And personally it stings more when you have good equipment yet you’re 32nd in points, and you dump legit championship contenders.

It's one thing to rub another race car, but to outright crash them, wrong.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

A SINGLE Disastrous Error! TAM flight 3054. AIRBUS again .. Airbus has many, many issues you never hear of.


The fact Airbus didnt have a fail safe to shut down the other engine
is baffling. Why would one engine in reverse not automatically make
the other engine do the same during landing?

AIRBUS computer logic is unsafe to everyone. It cost 187 lives!!!!
Plus another 12 lives lost on the ground. ..Airbus Computer logic is
messed up in many other planes like the A 330, A 350, etc., The A 320's
have had many accidents you never hear about.

"This situation wasn't envisioned by the designers." As an engineer, in a very different industry, something I say often is
that the first 90% of the work is getting things to work the way you've
planned it out. The "second 90%" of the work is thinking through, "What are all the
ways this could possibly go wrong?" It's really hard identifying all of
those, "Well it should be impossible to end up in this situation... but
what if it happened?" cases. Sometimes real life is the only thing that
shows you those situations, and when that happens it's so critical to
make sure it doesn't happen again.

AIRBUS has many issues .. Yet all you hear about is Boeing??

187 lives lost and 12 more killed on the ground. smdh.
AIRBUS Computer logic on many of there planes is just
dead wrong. .. Airbus has many, many issues you never hear of??

 Often, it’s not other people’s expectations, it’s our own expectations. We feel guilty if we’re not doing everything we think needs to be done. But, you need to set aside time to get replenished and recharged.

 Sometimes you have to go through the pain to get to the purpose, through the weeping to get to the joy, through the struggle to get to the promise. You keep being faithful and you’re going to see what God has been working on.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Close the Border Democrats. 

It's that simple. 

Inflation .... Jobs .... Businesses .... Trump needed .... 

‘What are they trying to hide?’: Sky News host slams Democrats for ‘hiding' Kamala Harris.


Oh good grief! Harris is an embarrassment to the American people!

I wouldn't be surprised if Biden votes for Trump.

Was hiding Biden now its hiding Harris. What a joke.

Kamala Harris famous for ‘utterly bizarre, bamboozling, weird circumlocu...

Why I Left the Left — Amala Ekpunobi at Washington University in St. Louis


What a woman! She has a beautiful and powerful voice
who can speak the truth.

Amala's wise advice: 1. Be willing to listen to others with empathy
and compassion; 2. Find the courage to speak the truth without being
abrasive; and if we do these two, we will all be the better for it.
I will strive to follow her advice. Thank you!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Untold Story of Air France 447 - AIRBUS A 330 - The A 320 has the same problems. Iced over speed indicators.


AIRBUS knew the Air Speed indicators were no good. Yet didn't
correct the problem??

The Pitot Tubes, Air Speed indications, AIRBUS knew of and other
Airbus planes like the A 320 also had the same problem

The families got no Justice as the Airbus Attorneys and Judge didn't
care about lives, they only care about money. Profit.

AIRBUS got Blood on their hands. Killing 238 people.

The families sued and got nothing..

The Pilots should have never been put in such a situation.

See below Post..

“We Can’t CONTROL the Aircraft!!” S7 Airlines flight 5220. - AIRBUS


AIRBUS has had Serious Issues with air speed indicators before.
Killing 238 people on Flight 447.

Airbus isn't safe. Pitot Tubes ( air speed indicators ) always
freezing over taking lives. Pilots get confused after incorrect
speed indications.

This is the second time I watched this, and I still held my breath
several times during the episode till I couldn't! So glad that they
landed safely without crashing!! Just wow!

How a Single Fault Led to Disaster on Flight 8501 | Mayday Air Disaster / Airbus

Recreating these scenarios must be difficult at best. The deep dive
into the accuracy of how these incidents playout along with the actors
and actresses give the viewer a very full picture to dissect the incidents. I'm very grateful for these epic.recreations. The highly produced series
is a credit to all in the aviation industry.
