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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Russia and China been attacking the US. Havana Syndrome evidence suggests who may be responsible for mysterious ...

 Russia and China share technology that sends sounds waves, 
Radio waves, microwaves, into a targeted American ear and 
it causes severe pain and long term Brain injuries. 

They attack anyone in the Intelligence agencies, Military, 
CIA, DOD, WH, ect.,  ..Been attacking Americans for over 
10 years.  These people can no longer work. Long term 
health issues. 

Where is Biden at on this??  ..It's a weapon used against our 
own people. 

People need to realize that the government response publicly,
is much different than the government response behind the scenes.

Russia been doing this and China also against Americans.

The U.S.-China rivalry, Taiwan and Hong Kong | 60 Minutes Full Episodes

The issue with the United States is very simple. We are more
concerned about equity than we are worried about results.
That is why the education here in the United States on a public
level is trash. I learned more my own time studying than I have
in school by a long shot.

We as Americans should be informed and concerned.

You will have good days and bad. 

The trick is to have more good days than bad. 

Everyone struggles at times. 

It's called, " Life." 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Get up every morning and put on a fresh new attitude. This day is a gift from God. It’s filled with possibilities, with new ideas, new friendships. Stay focused on the good, focused on the possibilities.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Charleston County Solicitors Office failed miserably. Where is the Justice for Shannon McConaughey?? *Exhume her body for the needed DNA.

Over 30's years and still no justice??

They have her body. 

And 2 Written Confessions. 

However, nothing is happening. 

Charleston Co. Prosecutors Office apparently doesn't care. 

Randell / Randall Taylor  aka Cobe  

Jacob Leon Taylor

Jacob Taylor on FB saying, "I'm just 

going to lay low." 

 James Weston  aka Tag / Big Tag 

Harry James Rivers jr. 
In Prison for a Different Rape ( of a minor )
Confessed to the Killing of Shannon McConaughey
Told Police Randall Taylor was the Trigger man .. 

                        Elijah J. Johnson 

                                                           No picture 

                                        Told us everything. How Randell Kidnapped her. 
                                    They all paid to have sex with Shannon at a bar. 
                                    ( rape ) Shannon was beaten so badly by Randall 
                                      she was knocked out and bleeding from her 
                                     nose and mouth in his car.  Randall snapped 
                                     after he raped her again in the woods, as the 
                                     other animals went to rape her. Randall shot 
                                     her dead in a rage.   ....2 months later Randall 
                                     beat the heck out of his girlfriend. Just like he 
                                     he did poor Shannon.  Same MO.   ..Beat her so 
                                     badly, charge him with ABHAN - higher 
                                        charge than CDV.  Judge as always, 
                                    "Time served."  ..Typical.  ..Randall walked again. 

 In Law Enforcement we call this a "Pattern." 
Several girls missing. Same area, same cellphone tower, 
same small white females disappearing, same group 
of individuals named by eyewitnesses. 
 Clearly a Human Trafficking Ring....  

*Here is a Timeline that Reveals the Shannon McConaughey Story: (January 1998 - May 2001)



"...Shannon McConaughey was last reported seen about 11 p.m. Jan. 29, leaving the Cracker Barrel restaurant on Ashley Phosphate Road..."

"...On Friday, McConaughey's dark-blue 1984 Mercury Cougar was found burned on a remote road near McClellanville. The fire nearly destroyed the car, and investigators found only a cellular phone and some Amway notebooks that had not burned, said Berkeley County Sheriff's Capt. Butch Henerey...."

"...For five weeks, relatives and friends of 19-year-old Shannon McConaughey anguished over her disappearance. On Monday, their worst fears were confirmed. A body found Friday in woods near Awendaw has been positively identified as that of the Berkeley County woman missing since Jan. 29..."

"...Charged with murder are James Isaac Weston Jr., 24, of South Santee Road; Harry James Rivers, 29, of Society Road; Elijah J. Johnson, 26, of Old Germantown Road; and Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Rainey Street in Georgetown. All four were denied bail..."    ** Also Jacob Taylor ... REFUSED EXTRADITION BACK TO SC. FROM GA. 


"....One of five men charged in the 1998 murder of Shannon McConaughey told investigators she was raped and shot twice in the head after leaving a McClellanville-area bar with the suspects, a detective testified Tuesday. Suspect Elijah Johnson claimed the entire group intended to rape the 19-year-old St. Stephen woman, but the first man to attack her went "berserk" and killed her, Charleston County Sgt. David Robertson said. Robertson testified during a preliminary hearing for three of the men charged with McConaughey's murder - Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Georgetown and McClellanville residents Harry James Rivers, 29, and James Isaac Weston Jr., 24. All three were arrested Feb. 8...."

"...The defense lawyers also raised questions about four written statements Rivers, one of the suspects, provided to deputies in 1998. Rivers first told investigators he saw McConaughey and Randall Taylor drive off together that night after asking him where they could buy drugs, Robertson testified. Rivers later said McConaughey was slumped over in the car and bleeding from her mouth and nose. He changed his story yet again before finally telling police he had been lying and knew nothing about her death, Robertson said. Taylor is accused of shooting McConaughey, and the others allegedly helped him dispose of her body and car, arrest affidavits state. Also charged in the crime are Johnson, 26, and Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, both of McClellanville...."

"....The assistant solicitor countered that only someone involved in the crime could have known the details Johnson provided, such as where the body was found, the nature of her wounds and that a red gas can was on the rear floorboard of her car. Investigators found traces of the can in the car, he said....."

"...The fifth man accused in the 1998 murder of a St. Stephen woman was arrested Saturday aboard a tugboat in Georgia waters. The U.S. Coast Guard detained Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, of McClellanville. Charged with murder, he was being held Saturday night in Georgia, authorities said...."

"....After nearly four months in jail, five men accused of a high- profile Lowcountry murder were set free Tuesday when the Charleston County Solicitor's Office dropped the charges, citing a lack of evidence...."

"...On Tuesday, Solicitor Ralph Hoisington and Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon said they had reviewed the case and determined there was not enough evidence to convict the men..."

"...Johnson was arrested in August 1998 on an unrelated breach of trust charge, deputies said. Deputies at the preliminary hearing said Johnson told them that when the group reached the woods, Randall Taylor suddenly appeared and shot McConaughey..." 

"....Authorities say the investigation continues, and they still think some people in the McClellanville area have information, but have not come forward, Lucas said. "We have to have cooperation from people who know about this," he said. "At this point, unless we find some more information, we are not going to be able to bring this case to trial, and we want to," he said...."


 Randall K. Taylor 

 Jacob Leon Taylor 

 Harry James Rivers  Confessed 

 Elijah J. Johnson  Confessed

Randell K. Taylor. Then and Now. Murderer,
Rapist, Kidnapper. 
Ring Leader to Shannon McConaughey 
Kidnapping, Torture, Rape and Murder ..  
Trigger man 

Exhume her body in the 
name of Justice. 

Shann0ns life mattered ! 

Crystal Soles

Everyone's Ancestors have had it hard.

Everyone has it tough. It's called life. 


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Scammers PANIC After I Tell Them Their REAL Names

"Influencer's" Dangerous Airplane Advice


Plane crash survivor here. I'm incredibly grateful I put my head
down. Not only did it contribute to the "survivor" part of being a
plane crash survivor, but it also helped shield my 15-month-old
daughter during impact. She was traveling in my lap. She, too
survived. Listen to your pilot and crew.

As seen by the JAL flight in Japan the other day listen to your flight
crew and do what they say...... everyone survived becuase they
listened and got out safely.

Not to mention, if that position was designed to kill you, that could
be proved and if it was proved, that would be multiple lawsuits
FAR, FAR bigger than anything we have seen. Multiple airlines
would be sued into oblivion and multiple people responsible for
those policies would go to jail. The airlines would be risking far
more with a position designed to kill you.


“I’m Gonna Crash!!!” | ATC vs Pilots

Pilots Can't Understand JFK Controller

Monday, April 22, 2024

Suspect shoots a cop and wonders why he got shot back !! idiots .... media ....


Anyone that asks “why was he shot over a seatbelt violation” should
instead be asking “Why did he try to kill cops over a seatbelt ticket”. But asking for twitter users to have a coherent thought might be a
little unrealistic.

Omg. His mother blaming the cops for her baby getting killed yet
not taking accountability for her poor ass parenting skills. SMH.

Officers fired 79 times back after Dexter fired first, fired 17 times,
and shot an officer. Dexter graduated 7 years ago but that didn’t
stop the media from showing him in his cap and gown. They also
haven’t reported that Dexter was shot in 2021 by his uncle after
attacking family members armed with a knife. Poor Dexter had a
pending felony retail theft and aggravated UUW case pending.
Last thing he needed was a seatbelt ticket.

He shot a police ofc. what did the media and morons think was
going to happen next??!! Put a Badge on and show them how to
shot someone behind tinted windows. Jackass's ....

He wasn't killed over a seatbelt violation. He was killed
because he made stupid choices after being pulled over
for the seatbelt violation.

- He shot a Police Officer they
then returned fire. Case Closed.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

 Put some music on - it will relax you. 

Lionel Ritchie, Jim Croce, Don Williams, The Drifters, 

Alabama, Cat Stevens, Charlie Pride, Dolly Pardon, 

Dobie Gray, George Strait, Alan Jackson, Eagles, 


Good clean Heart felt music. 

It will take your troubles away.


 Criminals come in every size, shape and color.  


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Top 10 Cool Police Officer Moments (2024)

Funniest Police Moments Caught on Camera!

Mother-To-Be Saves Herself And Her Husband From Armed Robbery


Let's give this woman a round of applause!!!!

A responsible citizen able to defend herself and her unborn baby

She’s a Great wife I’m sure she’s gonna be an amazing Mother! Super Calm & Focused as her & her Husband could LITERALLY
be MURDERED at any second!!! Plus She got her ROUNDS on TARGET & stopped the THREAT!! This was absolutely amazing work done by this woman who’s 9 MONTHS PREGNANT!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Rich man gives a box full of money to a girl desperate to pay her tuition


When she said "I was going through a lot" all I could think about was
the fact that with everything going on in her life, she still stopped to go
above and beyond to help a stranger. She gave her time, her money, and
her effort to help someone because she believed they needed the help.
She didn't care how much it set her back. It's amazing how often it's the people currently having a tough life that are
the most likely to stop and help a stranger. She 1000% deserved that money
and more.

She is such a sweet kid, she went back to get him water and even
spent time with him. Yes, her parents raised her well. Such an empathetic
and kind kid. Kudos to them and to John. Love you man.
Love and Respect from India.

Asking Servers For Free Food, Then Tipping $500!!

Good people still out there. 


100 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry | Best of Month


White folks and their kids need to be Careful everywhere you go. 

White kids in School especially. 

Many have been beaten severely. 100's if not 1000's.  

Hate Crimes against Whites at an all time high. 

Be aware. Be careful. Be safe.   

*Neither of these White Victims below made the World News. 

The DOJ need to "Set an Example" for all Racist Attacks against Whites. 

1000's of White Victims of Hate Crimes. Especially since 2020.  

Kaylee Gain life is over. Because a bully 25 pounds 

heavier than her beat her head onto concrete. 

All but killing her. 

Where are the parents ?? 

She was only 15 years old. Just a baby. 

DOJ where are the Hate Crime Charges !!?? 

Don't forget Jonathan Lewis. Killed by a a Mob of 

15 blacks on 1 white teenager. 

Stomped and beaten to Death for helping one 

of his black friends. 

Jonathan was only 17 and tried to help his black friend. 

He was killed for it.  

 Racism goes both ways. 

Jonathan Lewis & Kaylee Gain just teenagers.  Lives taken. 

So many more. 1000's more lives beaten because they White. 

1000's of Whites severely Beaten and or Killed. 

The World is watching and follows these Barbaric acts. 

Feds need to step in.  DOJ.  

Racist attacks on Whites by the 1000's !! 

Lives Ruined because of their Skin Color.  White. 

Going after our children also. DOJ and Feds must stop this. 

Please write the DOJ :   Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes must be stopped. 

Kaylee Gain.  15.  Her life is over. 

Her beating was barbaric. Suspect out weighted 

her by 20 - 25 lbs. Suspect showed no remorse. 

As Kaylee lay shaking on the concrete 

having a seizure. 

Hate Crime. 

Jonathan Lewis was beaten to death. 15 on 1. 

He stepped in to help his smaller black friend. 

They stomped him to death at a High School. 

Hate Crime. 

He was murdered for helping his black friend. 

No News Media coverage at all. 

Please write the DOJ:  Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes against Whites by the 1000's. 

Joe Biden, Harris, Dems, Libs, etc., did this ..  they want division.   Sad. 

 The DOJ need to "Set an Example" for all Racist Attacks against Whites. 

1000's of White Victims of Hate Crimes. Especially since 2020.  

Kaylee Gain life is over. Because a bully 25 pounds 

heavier than her beat her head onto concrete. 

All but killing her. 

Where are the parents ?? 

She was only 15 years old. Just a baby. 

DOJ where are the Hate Crime Charges !!?? 

Don't forget Jonathan Lewis. Killed by a a Mob of 

15 blacks on 1 white teenager. 

Stomped and beaten to Death for helping one 

of his black friends. 

Jonathan was only 17 and tried to help his black friend. 

He was killed for it.  

 Racism goes both ways. 

Jonathan Lewis & Kaylee Gain just teenagers.  Lives taken. 

So many more. 1000's more lives beaten because they White. 

1000's of Whites severely Beaten and or Killed. 

The World is watching and follows these Barbaric acts. 

Feds need to step in.  DOJ.  

Racist attacks on Whites by the 1000's !! 

Lives Ruined because of their Skin Color.  White. 

Going after our children also. DOJ and Feds must stop this. 

Please write the DOJ :   Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes must be stopped. 

Kaylee Gain.  15.  Her life is over. 

Her beating was barbaric. Suspect out weighted 

her by 20 - 25 lbs. Suspect showed no remorse. 

As Kaylee lay shaking on the concrete 

having a seizure. 

Hate Crime. 

Jonathan Lewis was beaten to death. 15 on 1. 

He stepped in to help his smaller black friend. 

They stomped him to death at a High School. 

Hate Crime. 

He was murdered for helping his black friend. 

No News Media coverage at all. 

Please write the DOJ:  Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes against Whites by the 1000's. 

Joe Biden, Harris, Dems, Libs, etc., did this ..  they want division. Sad.