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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Will Airbus Finally switch?? Yoke of Side Stick.

Yoke ( Wheel ) or Side Stick. - Wheel man.

I flew Boeing and Airbus (mainly B747 and A380) and there are pros
and cons to each control system. But ultimately I think the pilot machine
interface is better on Boeing. It's more intuitive in many ways including
feedback on the yoke and the thrust levers. We often had a heavy crew
and the pilots sitting behind were much more in the loop being able to see
control inputs and thrust lever movement. I did like my table and crew rest
on the 380 though.

As an Airbus pilot, I really hope this actually happens. It's been the thing
I most don't like about the A320 since I started. You sometimes feel a bit
disconnected from the airplane which makes it less fun to fly. Also if this
happens we'll have even more ammunition to throw at you Boeing guys in
the airbus v Boeing banter we all engage in (most of the time it's completely
friendly and just banter. We all try to respect each other and we're all aviation
nerds so an airplane that has yokes instead of sidesticks is still going to be
cool to us Airbus guys.)

The Yoke / Wheel is best. Boeing you feel like you are actually flying the plane.

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