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Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The Untold Story of Air France 447 / Airbus huge mistakes. Airbus and Air France failed to make repairs.
Will Airbus Finally switch?? Yoke of Side Stick.
According to a 2011 report from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), ice crystals can block the pitot probes on Airbus A330s. This can cause the airspeed indicator to give incorrect readings and reduce the operation of autoflight systems.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Airbus Computer Nightmare.
The Controls DONT WORK!! Airbus Computer Nightmare
Plane catches FIRE over London | Airbus planes have issues also.
Comedian Rob Schneider ROASTS WOKE United Airlines CEO For DEI HIRES
Friday, January 26, 2024
What's it Gonna Take to Stop the Houthis?
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
NEW NFL Coach CRIES Racism While BASED Todd Bowles SAYS To STOP Already .. Amen
Man In Birthday Suit Pulls Knife After Being Tased!
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Innocent people do not burn down Stash Houses.
However, Timothy Shaun Taylor did.
Because he's not innocent.
Nor are several of his friends.
Bleach might not get all the Fibers, Blood, Semen,
DNA, etc., However, Fire will. He couldn't chance it.
One or two might roll.
( when we were in law enforcement we called this a, "Clue" )
( apparently the feds missed this class .. )
- Shaun Taylors criminal act, " Corroborated " every witness statement.
- "More were involved. Human Trafficking Ring."
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Viral Food Critic Keith Lee ENDS California Tour Over SAFETY Concerns!
Kevin O'Leary TORCHES Black CNN Host On Trump Civil Fraud Case
How does a $ 367 Million dollar Aircraft. An AIRBUS A - 350
Not see or get aircraft warnings telling it to go around??
It landed on top of another Aircraft.
For $ 367 Million dollars each, an AIRBUS A - 350 should at
the very least be able to warn Pilots another Aircraft is already
on the Runway.
$ 367 Million Airbus A - 350 can't see another aircraft ??
How can that be ??
4 Human beings did die on the other aircraft. Because an A - 350
can't tell a runway from another aircraft?? It landed on top of
another aircraft. Killing 4 human beings. WTH .......
Friday, January 12, 2024
As Americans we should be more worried about what's going on
Overseas in the Red Sea than a darn Label. Come on people.
The Red Sea leads to the Suez Canal, with Houthi Terrorist and
others, many Shipping Companies are having to go around Africa
because of Terrorist, Pirates, Threats period.
Costing you and I more money.
Terrorist don't give a darn about your skin color. If you are an
American they will either Kidnap you for money or Kill you
on the spot. Just because you are American. Wake - Up.
Your next Cell Phone will cost more because of what's going on
in the World. Food will continue to go up. ( used the cell phone
cost going up to hopefully catch younger peoples eye. )
Biden and the Dems are to weak on everything. Terrorist, Hamas,
Pirates, Criminals right here in America.
Bring back the Wipe A$$ Generation.
Plus a stronger Military.
The US Navy has less Ships than ever in History. Wake - up
people before it's to late.
Keep this in mind, @POTUS to enforce oil sanctions on Iran. Iran sold $80 Billion in oil since Biden took office. Iran armed the Houthis. We are at war with the Houthis. See a pattern?
Archives The " School " in question was deemed as a place where ...