People listen to politicians in their own party and follow them like sheep....not thinking on their own... and politicians don’t have common sense... that’s very well know by now.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Biden, lefties, Dems caused a human tragedy at the Border. OMG how could you ?? Broken promises. Lies. Huge Crisis at the Border and Biden Admin. does nothing to correct it. #BorderCrisis 16,000 kids came with no parents wth #Biden #BidenBorderCrisis
All done for Votes .. Shameful ..
CNN Don Lemon is being sued by a Florida man who claims that the CNN anchor sexually harassed and assaulted him while out at a Hamptons hotspot.
2 Faced
Don Lemon denies knowing man suing him for assault | Daily Mail Online
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Right to Bear Arms ..
God granted you that right when you were born, the U.S. Constitution ensures that Government must protect that Right and can not take it away! So no matter what you are led to believe, that Right is eternal, the only way it can be lost is if you give it up!
Second Amendment:
"The Right of people to keep and Bear Arms Shall Not be infringed upon."
US Constitution ..
We all Love our Friends. They come in every Size, Shape, and
Ethnicity. They love us - we love them. Most of our friends we
have known since Grade School to High School. A Bond that
No Hate can break....
For the haters, criminals, race baiters, ect., You will never
break up our friendships with our many, many friends from
all different back grounds. It just ain't gonna happen. No sir.
If you go around and hurt people because they white, black,
asain, latino, arab, etc., ....Don't be surprised after you hit
a person for the hell of it that there Mixed Race son
or daughter kicks your Butt repeatedly.
People in this world been mixing races for thousands of
years. When you put hands on someone and they friends
of another color beat your Butt, remember you was warned.
A lot the white men are married to black ladies. When you
chose to hurt one of them don't be shocked you get your
butt kicked by a black or white son, cousin, friend, ect.,..
In my town we've had no problems at all. No looting, rioting
burning down black and white businesses. Why ?? You get
your butt beat down if you touched a friends business or his
or her car. We don't play that race card bull here. My black
friends say this often. They work hard to. For what little we
do have we got it honest.
We are One Nation Under God Almighty.
Next time you put hands on someone and another race kicks
your butt really good. Amen. ..It was your choice to be stupid.
We've had no problems here. We care about each other. Work
on each others cars together. Help cut there grass. Watch football,
Nascar races together. Your Hate will Not Change us. We love our
friends of every back ground and they Love us ....
Pray tell the News stops with all this Hate.
Remember, you have to stand before God one day.. !
Try love instead. God will Bless you.
Have a Blessed and Wonderful Day Friends and Family .. !
Monday, March 29, 2021
36 people were shot and 4 were killed in Chicago this weekend.
It should not matter if a shooting happens on the south side of Chicago or in Boulder, Colorado. We must be OUTRAGED by both. #FixItCNN called this an Accident ????
A Carjacking ....
When clearly they Murdered that old man ....
Left agenda. ..Lie unless the suspects are white.
See his Video on Twitter:
Warning Graphic:
Neither cared at all about that mans life. More
worried about there cell phones than the man they
just Killed. Dragged him to death, rammed him into
hand rails, then flipped the car with him underneath..
Turn Off the News.. Nothing but lies ..
**The part at the end where one of them is complaining about how
her phone is still in the car - of the man she and her pal murdered.
Archives The " School " in question was deemed as a place where ...