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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

You named 3 people who majority of America feel sorry for. But what about the thousands who suffer everyday because someone of the same ethnicity is rather stealing , or murdering there “brother”

Spot on ! 

"Thousands" of young black men and children die every year. However, BLM Marxist  
and the Media only tell America of 3 shot by police ??  .. smdh  ..  Idiots .. 

What about the "Thousands" that die every year in the Hood ?? Where the Hell is 
BLM at. They should be in these neighborhoods talking to these young men. Telling 
them don't be Gangsters, the guy with a gun, selling drugs, anything .. , and 
everything ..  Come on man get real .. 

The Hypocrisy by the Media and Marxist BLM is .. Unbelievable .. !  My God .. 

You named 3 people who majority of America feel sorry for. But what about the thousands who suffer everyday because someone of the same ethnicity is rather stealing , or murdering there “brother”

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