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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tupac, "And they say, it's the white man I should fear, But it's my own kind doing all the killing here."

Tupac, "And they say, it's the white man I should fear, but it's my own kind doing all the killing here."

Facts Matter 


How Trump has helped the African American community

Tavis Smiley: Black America Lost Ground Under Obama


The Rock AKA "D.J." Endorses Biden / Harris


Black Pastor Calls Kamala Harris "Ms. Lock Up A Brotha"

Watch the 8 minutes that has America searching Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard rips Kamala Harris' record on criminal prosecutions. She kept Innocent men in Prison.

Kamala Harris is Bad News. Withheld evidence of a man's Innocence ! WTH 

Kamala Harris' Prosecutors Sent This Innocent Man to Prison

Kamal Harris lied on this man. He was innocent .. 

Telling ya she's no good. 

Black Pastor Calls Kamala Harris "Ms. Lock Up A Brotha"

Suspect Arrested in Ambush Shooing of 2 Police Officers .. Deonte Lee Murray .. Coward ..


The suspect accused of shooting two Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies during an ambush in Compton has been arrested, authorities announced Wednesday.

"They became victims of a violent crime for one reason: They were doing their job and they were wearing a badge," District Attorney Jackie Lacey said as she sent her best wishes to the injured deputies.

Deonte Lee Murray, 36, of Compton, was charged with two counts each of willful, deliberate and premeditated attempted murder of a peace officer and possession of a firearm by a felon, Lacey said.

Prosecutors are recommending bail be set at $6.15 million. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted on all charges. Murray is expected to be arraigned Wednesday afternoon in a Compton courthouse.

When asked about a possible motive for the shooting, Homicide Bureau Captain Kent Wegener said, "other than the fact that he obviously hates policemen and wants them dead, not specifically." 

Replying to @BillFOXLA
Murray is a Compton resident and a known felon with a lengthy rap sheet going back years. LASD believes he acted alone when carrying out the ambush. @FOXLA

Murray is a convicted felon, according to Wegener. He was arrested two weeks ago in connection with an armed-carjacking in Lynwood. At which time, the sheriff's department told FOX 11 that the arrest was not related to the ambush shooting.

RELATED: Carjacking suspect in custody after hours-long standoff in Lynwood

As a result of that incident, Murray was charged on September 17 with one felony count each of carjacking, second-degree robbery and assault with a semiautomatic firearm-personal use of a firearm.

He also faces allegations of association with a criminal street gang, discharging a rifle inflicting great bodily injury and personal use of a rifle in the carjacking incident.

A reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect had increased to more than $600,000.

Both deputies were released from the hospital earlier this month.

Many African Americans will Vote for Trump ..


Trump doesn't say the right things sometime. Obama gave pretty speech's. - However, Trump is the better person. - Biden @ Trump. Trumps Prison reform. Most have never heard of - this because the Media hates Trump. However give a listen, "The First Step Act." Trumps Prison reform let out over 3,100 people. Remember Kim and Beyonce went to see Trump. He let more out then to. Some lady had life - Trump got her out. Several Blacks said, "Thank you Trump." This new Law will recalculated all time served. Serve less time. Right now more people get more good time credits and get out sooner. ( Drug charges. ) "The First Step Act." .. - Trump created more Jobs than any President ever. Trump the racist isn't racist at all. Jesse and Al used to be tight with him back in the day. Back to Jobs. Black Unemployment is at an all time low in the History of the US. Trump dropped all them stupid regulations and created Millions of Jobs. His record for trying to help all Americans is indeed great. Read the article. Then read about black unemployment. Record Low!!

( until the dems sent the virus. most know it came from a lab in china. )

Trump has done more for African Americans in 47 Months than Biden has done in 47 Years.

Facts Should Matter  

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump: “I’ve done more in 47 months than you’ve done in 47 years.” Case closed ..

Trump: “I’ve done more in 47 months than you’ve done in 47 years.” Case closed.

Facts Matter !

Arson in California .. Not Climate change .. It's the people with the Matches .. !!


Everyone knows people are Setting Fires. Between Antifa
& BLM Marxist - nothing but burning, stealing and more
arson ....... Thousands of Fires says it all. Arson .. New
Fires everyday ..

It is disheartening that the Federal Government has demonized the once noble and esteemed profession of pain management, which has long been a legitimate sub-specialty of anesthesiology since the 1960’s.


The Feds have engaged in an all out war against chronic pain patients and their physicians and have destroyed and entire specialty of medicine. All because they can’t control the flow of illicit fentanyl and heroin into the United States.

Managing pain with opioids is a science - except politics, money, and overzealous law enforcement are denying American patients the relief they so desperately need. Who are these unintended victims of the Opioid crisis ?

As someone who has chronic pain, and had to go on disability because of it, I wholeheartedly agree. - My good friend had to do the same. They treat her terribly. Like she's a drug user .. smh .. Shameful ..

Stop Breaking the Law. No more problems. Goes for everyone. See below Chart:


3.5 million arrested in US in 2019 2.5 million white 1.2 million black 300k other. 384 white killed by police; 10 unarmed. 265 black killed by police; 8 unarmed.

Far more Whites are Killed by Police for Not Complying than Blacks.


Dems / Libs you Cannot Divide my friends and I. Nor Marxist Antifa & BLM Domestic Terrorists. We are friends, family and we are strong. Stop the games. Stop breaking the Law. Stop Resisting.

Monday, September 28, 2020

People need to chill more, relax. Love each other. You are only here for a short time. Think about it. My friends, family come from all back grounds. Love @ Faith.

Amen ! Let tomorrow worry about itself ..


Parents, all Moms and Dads, please tell ya Daughters to Stop posting pictures of their buttocks and what not ..


Social media is a disease. Girls should not be posting pictures with their 

butts sticking out on SM. .. OMG. Think young people. And older women to.  

Its there on the internet forever. Even if you delete it. Think before posting !! 

Young girls to middle age women need to think before posting. Come on man. 

What's with this sticking your butt out and take pictures so everyone can see it ???? 

Dumb. You may delete it later but ppl copy things off the Internet everyday. smh .. 

Think before Posting Pictures .. 

Especially of private areas .. 

Think 10 years from now ..  be to late .. 

Can effect you being Hired by certain Companies ! 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Can't we all just get along .. !


Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker refused to answer the door after the police loudly identified themselves. Following procedure, the police broke down the door. Kenneth Walker had a gun and started shooting at the police. Breonna Taylor was Killed by her BF actions ..


The media reported that Breonna Taylor, who at first glanced seemed like a good person who was trying to get ahead in life by doing all the right things, was shot during the actions of a “no knock” warrant, and that was a lie.  There was a “no knock” warrant, but witnesses have come forward and confirmed that police did knock on the door and they identified themselves.

The media also reported that Taylor was shot while in her bed, and that too was a lie, but the most egregious lie reported by the media is that Taylor was “murdered” by police.  Her boyfriend, who was there at the time of the incident, began shooting at police.  This was after they knocked and announced they were police.  Once the boyfriend began shooting, the police had the right to defend themselves, and unfortunately Breonna Taylor was struck multiple times and killed.

According to evidence revealed at a press conference by AG Daniel Cameron, the police executed a search warrant by first knocking on the door.  c He shot first.  That’s important to remember.  The police fired back in self defense,  and that’s how Breonna Taylor was shot and killed.

Everything the media and many things the lawyer, Ben Crump, said in regards to the death of Breonna Taylor including the circumstances around her death was based on lies. Kentucky officials allowed a mountain of lies to build up until the evidence was finally presented to a grand jury and the Kentucky Attorney General was forced to admit the truth. 

The mainstream media, especially the Fake News wing, are responsible for so much mayhem, so much chaos going on in our country right now.  Instead of just reporting the news, they fabricate most of it, and they do it to fit into whatever their current narrative is.  One thing’s for sure.  The last fours years we have seen the media grow in the ability to convert any story into an anti Donald Trump narrative.  

Dear Rioters and Looters, you only hurt yourself, friends and family. Now they have to Walk or drive further to get to a store. Great job guys, smdh


Brilliant .. 

Want to stop the riots - hand out job applications. They will leave.


Are we still Rioting over Criminals or Perhaps Sanity has Returned ! js ..