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Friday, July 10, 2020

Stevie Wonder said, ' If Black Lives Matter, then Stop all this Black on Black Killing.' .... Someone's Comment below : We Concur. .... It only matters when they are locked up for crimes they commit or when they deal with police. What they don’t want to hear is how more white people are shot and killed by cops per year than black. What they don’t want to hear is how black on black gang killings happen 100% more than blacks being killed by cops. What they don’t want to talk about is how many black children under the age of 10 die every year by being hit by stray bullets from black on black gang violence. What they don’t want to hear is that no life is more important than another no matter what the skin color or nationality is! You make your own way in this world and nobody else is at fault if you choose the wrong path just like nobody else should get the credit if you succeed in life. Stop killing innocent people and maybe you would have more credibility in your fight!

Stevie Wonder said, ' If Black Lives Matter, then Stop all this Black on Black Killing.'

Someone's Comment below : We Concur

It only matters when they are locked up for crimes they commit or when they deal with police. What they don’t want to hear is how more white people are shot and killed by cops per year than black. What they don’t want to hear is how black on black gang killings happen 100% more than blacks being killed by cops. What they don’t want to talk about is how many black children under the age of 10 die every year by being hit by stray bullets from black on black gang violence. What they don’t want to hear is that no life is more important than another no matter what the skin color or nationality is! You make your own way in this world and nobody else is at fault if you choose the wrong path just like nobody else should get the credit if you succeed in life. Stop killing innocent people and maybe you would have more credibility in your fight!

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