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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hate Crime Victims if they White get No Justice .. Tortured for days .. No Justice .. No News ..

Feds don't care about White Victims of Hate Crimes. Look up Troy Knapps. Riding his bike, 20 year old man, 16 Black criminals beat him so bad Doctors had to remove part of his Brain. Coma for months. He died that day. However his body lived on for 10 years. He was bedridden, wearing a diaper, hand fed, could no longer play with his son like he use to. The Gang of 16 black males the most anyone got was 6 years. Truth ...... No Riots - No Looting. ..North Charleston, SC. Feds said, " It wasn't a Hate Crime." 16 monsters on one white boy. SMDH. .... North Charleston, SC again. .... Melissa Missy McLaughlin, Kidnapped, gang raped, 3 Black males kidnapped her, yelled out," We captured us a White Woman come jion in." 2 more black males did just that. Feds would not help us. Not a hate crime. Made her clean herself with Bleach to hide the rape. Shot her on the side of the highway next day in the head. Local Police got 4 of the 5 kidnappers, rapist and murderers. No help from the Feds. Year later Gardner was captured in Philly. The ring leader. Most got life.  .. No hate crimes though. Not one.   

                                                          Troy Knapps   

                                         16 Black Males beat one Troy Knapps 

             Doctors had to Remove Part of his Brains because he was beaten so badly  

               The most any of the suspects got was 6 years. Troy lost his life.  smh ..   


                                               Melissa "Missy" Mclaughlin       

        The 2 victims above where Killed in .. North Charleston, SC       

    CNN, CBS, NBC all you hear is Walter Scott. However - Troy and Missy 

       suffered for hours. Troy for years. Their Lives Mattered also. 

                And  should be remembered  
  Should be remembered ..     

The monsters pictured above car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!
Channon Christian, was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breast and put chemicals in her mouth … and then murdered her. Why didn’t this received National coverage by the news media like the George Floyd case?
Oh, that’s right – the victims were white.

The parents asked the FBI and DOJ for Hate Crime chargers to be brought. They refused to charge them with hate crimes ???!!! They tortured these poor kids, raped the man and woman. Kept the girl alive for days just to rape her. SMDH. .. This case Never Made National News. Victims White. Sick ass Monsters. ........

 Over In McClellanville, SC we got the same thing. Taylor Gang and Other Thugs Kill our daughters and the Feds do nothing. They Kidnap young white girls for the past 22 years. Sell them for sex - to other drug dealers, Criminals, you name it. Shannon McConaughey, Brittanee Drexel and Crystal Soles. More are Missing. Local Police had the names of several suspects, good leads, FBI took over the Case, FBI Lost the names of the suspects. ???? WTH. Bad things going on and all we hear are BLM !!?? .. What about all these Crimes here for "22 years" and all the other Victims of Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking ...... Feds don't give a damn about White Victims I swear. smh. .. We've written FBI HQ., AG HQ., DOJ HQ., all in Washington, DC .. Not a word.     Nothin .. 

  People in this World have No idea what really going on in America ... 

Whites been disappearing and Murdered for Years and NO NEWS ......  

Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking booming in America and 

CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. don't say a word !!!!!?????   WTH  ....  

Shannon McConaughey been gone 22 years. We know exactly who 

Kidnapped, Raped and Killed her. 2 Eye Witnesses told us everything. 

Them Taylor Gang and friends:  Randell Taylor, Jacob Taylor, 

James Weston, Tag, Elijah Johnson and Harry James Rivers. 

You see the Taylors are bad news. Monsters. And their friends to. 

They had a friend, a dirty cop, at Charleston Co. Sheriffs Office 

who messed with the evidence in the case. They walked. 

And they still Raping and Killing ... The black dirty cop was 

only fired never charged with anything. smh.   

We say, you got a body, 2 eyewitness statements, try them in a 

Court of Law. When local prosecutors dropped the charges which 

they always do. This is when the DOJ is suppose to take the Case. 

It never Happened. 

 Now more girls are Missing and the FBI nor DOJ do Nothing.. 

Just think, Brittanee Drexel and Crystal Soles and others, would 

still be alive today, having babies and a life to, IF the DOJ had 

came in like they did against them White Cops out in LA and 

try them on Civil Right Charges @ Kidnapping, raping and murder.

You had 2 eye witnesses !!  My God .......  

The World has no idea what really goes on in the USA .. 

( the news will never tell the Gods truth about real america ) 

 Just think, 16 killers walking around Charleston, SC. The one's 

who killed Troy Knapps. Plus, the Taylor Gang and friends in 

McClellanville, S.C. who Killed Shannon McConaughey and several 

other little white girls. Sex Trafficking. So that's another 20 or so

Rapist, kidnappers, Killers running free. That makes 36 criminals 

who love to kill whites and rape them to - running around. 

 We wonder how people in North Charleston / Charleston S.C.  

feel about these monsters. Known killers. 16 plead guilty. Did 

less than 4 years in any prison for taking a human life. 

McClellanville ain't but 30 minutes from Charleston, SC.  36 Rapist 

and Killers free to kill again.  My, My ..  

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